Sunday, June 29, 2008

Osum Tree House club!

Wednesday last week Roper, Sierra, and Megan decided to make a club. They named it the Osum (Awsome) Tree House Club. They hung sign up sheets out by the road and checked it daily to see if anyone signed up. No one has yet, but you never know. I hope our kids never grow out of this fun stage! It is just too short lived. I have picked up some extra shifts and have been working a lot the past 3 days. The kids have been 'osum' to help Jason out at home. I made some cookie dough right before I ran out the door Friday night so the kids would have something to snack on Saturday. Sierra, the good kid she is, cooked the cookies for me. She did 'osum' the first batch, the second one baked a little longer, and the third one, well the pictures can tell the story. We have also started building a shed. We are just laying the footings and we will pour the foundation tomorrow. What normally takes the contractor 2 days we have done in 6. So, I think we all know how quick this is going to go doing it ourselves.

Here is the sign of sheet for the Osum Tree Club. Who wouldn't sign up!

They have a boys group and a girls group. Also a meeting schedule that I did not take a picture of.

Sierra , Roper, and Megan checking to see if anyone signed up.

Sierra and her batches of cookies.

The site for the shed. The last view we will have before a 55 x 30ft building occupies that space.

Jason starting the trench work.

The footings are done and we are ready for cement. Almost!


Em said...

I love the "owsom" tree house club. its so cute and funny. Oh, to be a kid again. I can't believe Sierra is old enough to bake cookies, by the time we get back she will be babysitting.

Tara and Josh said...

Thanks for the update Stacy. Please have Roper and Seirra and Megan sign up Landon and Ryan for the boys club and Michone, Ashley and Kalli for the girls club. We might have a hard time making the meetings, however.

Good luck with the shed. I trust you have some oversight help?

Anonymous said...

Please add Trista to the girls club...or the boys if there is no room on the girls side:)

nickandhil'sfamily said...

What are the requirements (sp) for the club? I'm not very good at attending meetings and I don't pay my fees very well. On second thought, I'll stay in and scrapbook with you!

Carly said...

HI GUYS!! This is CARLY! :) I need you to email me so we can invite you to our blog, it's a private one.
I was just blog-hopping and found you!

The Swainston Family said...

It is Talesha Munson now Swainston. I found your blog and you have such a cute little family! I thought I would just drop you a little note! You can check our blog out at
