Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pinewood Derby

Last night , we had a fun ward activity. It was a no boundaries pinewood derby. Jason carved the car and the girls painted it. It was a lot of fun to see all the different creations. We ended up winning the most colorful car, but didn't place in anything. We didn't have time to work the bugs out of our catapult system. It was a lot of fun!
The girls with their proud colorful car.
The catapillar (or something)-mobile.
Some of the competitors. The 2nd car from the left is Jacob and Roper's. They took 3rd in the competition. They blew up a balloon and then released it. It worked really well. The covered wagon is Jason's Aunt Pam's. She is amazingly talented.

The infamous catapult system. Two small boards and then a large black rubber band that Jason uses for shoulder exercises. Unfortunately the rubber band was a little to strong.

Jason and Jacob racing their cars. Jacob and Roper won. Ours catapulted through the air but did not cross the finish line. It was pretty funny.


Tara and Josh said...

What a fun activity! We love the paint job and wish we could have seen the caterpillar turn into a butterfly for the finish line. The girls look so cute in their new haircuts. We miss you and are still working on the tree house--wish you were here!

We put up the rope ladder and are starting the bridge today.

Justin said...

Nice work on the car--very beautiful. I think Jake's car could have used a little feminine touch--the two rusty spikes looked kind of intimidating. Justin

Em said...

I love the girls haircuts! How fun! It looks like a fun activity. We wish we were there.