Saturday, February 7, 2009

No News is Good News!

No real news yet. The doctor hasn't been in yet this morning. Gage has been the only patient for about a week and yesterday their census quadrupled. So, the doctor has been a little detained. Which is fine to have the attention off of Gage, meaning he is STABLE!!

Gage had another steady night. He always deteriorates a little at night, so they turned his oxygen up to 60% during the night. Now he is at 39%. His feedings are up to 20mL an hour and he is tolerating those great. Which he started at, 2 mL an hour, a couple days ago. Normally he eats 90mL every 2-3 hours. Just to give you an idea. To answer your question, Rachelle, yes they are giving him percussion on his lungs every 6 hours or so. The purpose of the percussion is to break up the fluid and pneumonia in his lungs.

Jason, Megan, Hunter and Lindsey made it here today. Sierra had to stay home because she has avoided the inedible for far too long. She has finally gotten sick. She has been running fevers every evening and has a sore throat and cough. Hopefully nothing more than a nagging cold, but we didn't want her here with Gage's weakened immune system and hers to share with each other. It is good to almost all be back together for a brief period. Jason & his mom are ready for the break!

Megan and Lindsey having Dad's kind of breakfast while Mom is gone.
Hunter in the hospital room for the first time.

Gage, much less swollen. Looking more like my baby.

A close look at Gage.


Tara and Josh said...

Sounds like the little guy is right on schedule with what the doctors said. So glad to hear things are doing so much better. Was that ice cream and peaches for breakfast?

Tyson and Amanda said...

Gage is looking so good! Sorry I didn't make it in this weekend....It's been a busy one! It is always a good thing when the doctor feels like he can put you off till later.......That's what we like to hear!

Becca Gilbert said...

Stacy he is looking so good! What a good thing to see! I hope Sierra gets better quickly!

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

What a week!! So glad that Gage is stable and we hope Sierra starts to feel better soon. I thought the same thing, Josh. Was that breakfast peaches and cottage cheese or peaches and ice cream? Either way, can we put it on the reunion menu? YUMM!

Anonymous said...

Stacy, Sounds like things are progressing as planned and stable sounds good. I'm heading out the door to church. Just want you to know we are all thinking of you and praying for all of you.

Kay Patterson