Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sierra Update #9

Sierra is doing great. Her DSA test came back negative!! This is the Donor Specific Antigen test that they take before they gave the IV immunoglobulin (IVIG) and then they take it again after the immunoglobulin. The DSA test was positive before the IVIG which was causing the rejection and now it is negative meaning the IVIG worked in getting rid of the antibodies. She will receive the IVIG treatment for 2 more months now and then she will be done, we hope, nothing is for certain.

Sorry for all the pictures. They're for Jason, I am giving him an update on the yard. Thank you for checking on us. Bye for now.

I wanted to show you all the blossoms on the cherry tree.

The front flower bed with a newly stained porch.

Your favorite rock with flowers and green peppers.

The newly stained back deck.

The garden poking up through the ground and our stained playground.


Em said...

I am happy to here Sierra is doing better. Hopefully, that heart rate is perfect and you all will be back together shortly. Stacy you are amazing, how do you do it all? The house and yard look amazing.

Becca Gilbert said...

I'm so glad to hear that it came back negative!!! I loved seeing the pictures of the house and the yard... it made me want to go back up there ASAP!! It looks awesome!