Friday, May 22, 2009

Sierra Update #4

We finally got Sierra's biopsy result back and it was a 1A!! Yeahhh!! That is just one step above a zero. Since her last biopsy was a 1B we will take it. What this means is that she will not be going back on prednisone. So, she will not be looking like a marshmallow. We still don't know the results of the DSA test that would tell us if the IV immunoglobulin helped the rejection or not. So, we are waiting to hear back on that. She is still retaining fluid, so they have started her on some Lasix. Her blood pressure has been a little high today, a result of the aftermath of the steroid. So, they are going to keep her one more day to monitor that. It is looking like possibly tomorrow she will get out of the hospital and be able to go to the RMH.


The Lewis Family said...

I am glad things are good. You are all in our prayers.

Michelle Merrill said...

We are glad to hear this news. Hope things keep improving. How is little Gage? I've been so worried about that cute little boy.

Bonnie Bingham said...

It's so good to hear things are a little better and she on the mend.
Love ya lots
Jay and Bonnie

JasonBingham said...

Hi Guys, we like to check the blog too. Sierra and I are on a walk this morning before breakfast. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Jason and Sierra