Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Real quick update on sierra, she received her IV Immunoglobulin today which is a 12 hour infusion. They give her benadryl in between each of the three bags. So, she was really groggy for most of the day. They repeated her echo and it was normal with no change from her admission. ( A good sign). She was supposed to go in for her biopsy at 4:00 PM today. However, she just went in at 7:45 PM this evening. We still don't know her results and may not until tomorrow. A lot is pending on the results of the biopsy.

Her spirits are good and she just wants to be out of there. She has a few periods of being a little emotional due to the steroids. She started crying today and told Jason, "I don't know why I am crying, I don't even hurt anywhere." We are trying to prepare ourselves for her to looking marshmallowy again due to the steroids. I will update as soon as I know anything. Thank you so much for checking on us and for your prayers.

Sierra in the PICU doing laps while waiting to go in for her biopsy.

Dr. Andrus who cared for Sierra Aug 2nd pre-transplant. He put many hours in at her bedside.


Em said...

I love that picture of Sierra and the care giver that cared for her before her transplant, what a special picture. Thanks for the update, we will continue to keep you in our prayers

Becca Gilbert said...

That picture of Seirra and her doctor is adorable! Tell Sierra that crying for no reason isn't that abnormal when you're a girl... it happens all the time :)Thanks for the update! We will continue to keep you in our prayers!

JasonBingham said...

Hi Mom and sisters
Daddy and I are walking around on the 3rd floor. I love you very much.
Love Sierra and Daddy