Tuesday, March 17, 2009


To make a long story short, Sierra, Lindsey, Gage and I have all had this horrible cold/flu bug going around. To our endless washing in the lake of sanitizer we were unable to keep little Gage from getting it. So, Sunday we had to take him to the emergency room where he was having a difficult time breathing. He was admitted and placed on oxygen and given breathing treatments for a couple of days. We are home now and he looks and acts better than the other three of us who are still coughing. We will keep giving him breathing treatments for another week to keep things loosened up. But, we got to stay in Baker this time! As I always say, "Baker is better than Boise, Boise is better than California."

Did I say I was ready for spring?

Gage smiling and looking pretty funny with an IV in his head.

Jason taking care of Sunday dinner for the kids. A nice round of mac-n-cheese. Hunter showing his big belly(or should I say bottomless belly).

Gage off the oxygen with just the IV "hat".


Em said...

I am soo sorry. I agree, you have had more then your fair share of sickness, let the madness stop. I hope everyone gets feeling better. I don't know how you guys do it. You guys have so much strength and courage. I hope everyone is well very soon. I am happy everyone is at home.

Becca Gilbert said...

I am seriously so impressed with how strong you guys are... but it's official- when I come up for the branding little Gage and I are gonna have a chat about him needing to get healthy! I am glad he is back home now... we just need to keep you guys healthy for a little while!