Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Busy Week!

Here is the latest update on the shed. Jason and I were able to finish the sheeting around the outside of the shed during the week. Which allowed us to get a crew together for Saturday, and we hung trusses. Yeahhhhh!! Thank you to everyone who helped. It was one rainy day and we had a great crew.

Saturday was Sierra's 9th birthday. We still are greatful for each birthday we are allowed to celebrate with her.

Lindsey had her first week of preschool. I think that she was the only child crying Friday morning because there was no school. So, to say the least, she loves school. She doesn't go to school until 12:30pm, so, all morning it is, "What time is it Mom?" She's just too funny.

No baby yet. We have two more weeks until this little bundle of joy joins our family. I don't know who is more excited, the girls or the parents. We are all getting pretty excited for it's arrival.

Part of the crew helping with the trusses. You can see 4 legs up in the raftors. It is Jason and Nick who stayed in the middle nailing that part of the trusses together. I was glad it was him and not me. My center of gravity is a little off kilter.

The lovely rain that was a continuous down pour all day. Notice the man made fork lift with the nifty tractor. Who needs a crane?

The night before we started hanging trusses, but the wind started blowing. So, we got three up and fininshed the rest on Saturday.

An updated picture of the belly. It has grown a little since then. Notice the trusty bale of hay that we used to sit the sheeting on. It worked beautifully.

Lindsey and her first day of preschool. I couldn't get her to stand normal. There always has to be some pose.

Sierra's #9 birthday and cake.


Tyson and Amanda said...

I hope your baby comes soon! I remember being at that point...No fun. The shed is looking great. It will be filled with stuff in no time!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that "shed" is huge!! I think it's more like a house!! I was wondering if me and the kids can move in?? :) Stacy you look AWESOME!! And Sierra I'm sorry we missed your birthday....Happy Birthday sweet girl!! You look awesome too!! And little Lindsey you look so grown-up! And I see that your mom was able to make your latest hair-cut work for you!! ;) Stacy I will talk to you soon! We need to make plans!


Debbie said...

The shed is huge, and your belly is not. You look great - not like you are due in two weeks. Can't wait to hear that the little one has arrived. Happy Birthday Sierra!

Becca Gilbert said...

Wow the shop looks awesome! You guys have made some serious progress in a week! Good work!!!! Mom & Dad will be excited to see how much you've gotten done!

Tarrant Talk said...

I sure miss you guys. Congrats on the baby! What a great time for you. The shed looks great. That thing is huge.

Michelle Merrill said...

Hello!! The shed looks like its going to be a palace like our barn is. I think Ryan is making it so nice so that he can sleep out there when I am mad at him. Anyway, you look incredible. I look like the Blimp balloon and i still have 5 weeks to go. I can't wait to find out what you have and to see you guys. You for sure can stay with us in October!!!! We have been waiting for this!!! Happy Birthday Sierra!!! You are precious. And Lindsay Lou too.

Em said...

Are you building a shed or a house??? Stacy you look so tiny! I guess its all that hard work you are doing, I don't know how you do it? happy birthday Sierra, I am sad we missed it, maybe in 2 years we will be around to celebrate.

nickandhil'sfamily said...

Fun pics Stacy! Did all of that happen just last week? Whoa! Watch out for Lindsey Lou, she may go into modeling!