Friday, April 4, 2008

Poor sad Sierra

Sunday, Sierra started complaining about her leg hurting on the inside of her left thigh. I looked at it and there was this tiny cluster of bumps. I thought that it looked a little odd but put lotion on it and told her we would keep an eye on it. By Monday it had grown to a few more little clusters and by Tuesday it was about half way down her thigh. I had a doctors appointment Wednesday morning and asked my doctor about it. He said, "It sounds just like shingles." I felt my heart sink to my stomach. Anyway to make a long story short, she has shingles. We took her in later that afternoon and confirmed it. She has acted great. But, today she is in A LOT of pain. It just hits her and she screams and cries uncontrollably. I have never had shingles but I talked with a lady that has them right now and she said, "There are three worst pains, birth, passing a kidney stone, and shingles." So, we are at her beck and call to say the least. Fortunately, I don't think this is going to mess up her biopsy scheduled for April 15th. California doctors said they never see this in their pediatric transplant patients. Sierra is just the lucky one. TA -TA for now!

1 comment:

Becca Gilbert said...

That's so sad! I have never had shingles but a lady at work had them- she blames it on the stress from tax season. She was in so much pain constantly!! I hope she gets feeling better! Especially before her biopsy!