Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Little Bump in the Road

I know there are a lot of people wanting updates with Gage, so here is the long of it.  Gage's stomach started hurting Friday, his appetite had been poor all week.  He tried eating Saturday night and threw it all up, along with his meds shortly after. Not to mention the explosive diarrhea. He moaned all night about his stomach hurting, finally falling asleep around 4 AM.  Needless to say, he did not enjoy his Easter treats Sunday morning.  He laid around Sunday and started feeling a little better Sunday afternoon and even ate a little bit and played with cousins.  Monday he felt a little weak but wanted to go to school.  Went to school and did really well.  Ate some lunch, was acting like himself when he got home from school and even went out and helped pick up rocks in the field (funnest thing ever).  Ate dinner that night, but ended up throwing everything up again. Moaned again all night about his stomach hurting.  (Creepy reminder of the Lindsey heart failure days, including that sick pit in our stomach) All in all, he ended up missing Saturday night meds and part Monday nights.

We called California a couple times to keep them in the loop with what was going on.  Yesterday, they wanted an echo done on him.  So, we packed a bag and headed to the ER in Boise.   The echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) looked good, which was really reassuring, meaning no heart issues.  They ran some blood tests and stool and blood cultures.  The blood tests showed his kidney's were saying "ouch" with his dehydration.  The heart team was concerned with his kidneys and wanted him flown to California so they could watch him from here.  He really perked up after a fluid bolus in Boise and was "starving" (music to my ears).  He ate and held everything down and hasn't thrown up since.  His stomach is feeling better and he is acting like himself.

So, what is the plan.  Repeat his echo (they like to see their own and confirm there is nothing wrong with the heart) continue blood draws (his kidneys already looked better after the IV fluids) and see where he is at tomorrow.  Hopefully we can be released tomorrow and get home in time for prom this weekend. Summary of what has happened, he had a viral gut bug, got too dehydrated and couldn't keep some of his meds down, but is feeling better. 

In other news, since we haven't updated in a really long time.  Sierra headed back to college last week.  She had winter semester off from school and was at home working.  It was really nice to have her back home, but she was  really ready to be back out on her own.  She has had great biopsies and just had an echo that looked really good.  She isn't sure she still wants to do nursing, so this semester is an exploration semester to see what is out there.  Hopefully she finds something she will love.

Megan just finished registering and confirming housing for Utah State University.  I can't believe we are going to be down to 3 kids at home.  It makes me sad that our family is shrinking.  I am not looking forward to this stage of our lives.  I had the opportunity to go with Megan and 11 other students to Washington DC this last week.  It was a lot of fun and a great experience.  I had never been there before, so it was very exciting.

Lindsey is growing up and doing great.  She has echo's every 3 months, but biopsies only once a year.  She is doing track with Megan and is loving the social life that comes with it.  She is very excited about prom this weekend and is getting better at driving.

Hunter participated in FFA this year and found his love and niche for parlay.  He has always been a great debater with his parents and siblings.  Good to see that energy go to better use.  He has matured quite a bit this year and I am proud of him and the choices he is making.

Gage celebrated his 2nd year anniversary April 5th.  these last 2 years have flown by compared to the prior 2 years.  Lindsey celebrated her 6th.  Time just keeps marching on.

I can't say we are the proud owners, it is more like "what were we thinking" of 6 ducks, 8 (teenage) hens, and 3 chicks.  One of which we incubated from our own eggs.  Making a total of 11 chickens, 2 roosters, 11 chicks and 5 ducks (one disappeared) a dog and a cat.  We have decided that we definitely like chickens better than ducks.  Ducks are very smelly and messy.  We will probably only ever own the 5 and if they fly off for the winter, I won't feel bad.

That is everything in a nut shell. We will probably go home tomorrow if everything turns out looking normal.

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