Thursday, April 25, 2019

An Answer

Gage had a good day yesterday.  He ate well and drank well.  The doctors lifted his isolation yesterday afternoon, so we were able to get out and walk a little (yeah, we were going stir crazy).  However, they came in last night at around midnight and said that his stool culture came back positive for Norovirus.  So, we are back on isolation.  Norovirus is a gut bug that causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramping (check, check and check).  The team was relieved to find the source, so they are going to let us go home today.  Of course, when our kids get sick, it throws all their labs out of whack, but that is something we can deal with out patient.  His kidneys are looking a lot better and other than some slight stomach pain after eating and leg cramps (another issue), he is acting like himself.  Off to home we go in time for prom!  Thank you for all your love, support and prayers.  It means so much!


  1. Thanks for the update on Gage, we’re happy things turned out the way they did. We want you to know how much we enjoy hearing about how each of the kids is doing and their activities. Thank you also for sharing all the ups and downs through the years. You all remain in our hearts and in our prayers.
    Our Love to each of you. Please give our love to Dale and Leslie.

  2. That's great news. I'm so glad you're on your way but I was looking forward to a pic of Jason doing prom hair or something awesome like that. Get better soon Gage!

  3. Thank you so much for the update on all the kids. They sure are growing up fast and are so busy I don’t know how you keep up with them. Congrats to Gage and Lindsey on their heartaversaries!!! Sounds like all three transplant recipients are healthy miracles. Sorry Gage threw a reminder at you and he didn’t get to enjoy Easter. Hard to believe you will soon have two in college which is a big testament to you both, that through all these health issues and turmoils you are able to keep your kids on track and give them all the most normal lives as possible. Not every parent could do that. My good thoughts and prayers to you as always.

  4. So good to hear all is well with Gage.
