Sunday, January 20, 2019

Catching Up from November to January

Just catching up since November.  We have been busy with "normal" life and it has felt great!  We moved right on from volleyball into basketball.   First came Hunter's junior high basketball with a with a 9 and 3 season.  Jason was the coach and did an excellent job.  Hunter then joined an AAU basketball team in LaGrande, which has been really good for him.

Megan's basketball season started right after her volleyball ended.  It has been a good season.  Not as strong as volleyball, but dang fun to watch none the less.

Sierra survived her first semester of college. She was excited to come home for Christmas, but ready to return once break was over.  Unfortunately, she is on a track system, so she will not go back until the end of April, due to having winter semester off.  She is staying at home and working, which will be great for her savings account.  She and Gage will have biopsies in February.  She did really well with taking care of herself in college.  Figured out her blood draws, medication and doctor appointments.  It was a big relief to see her take on that responsibility.  We still have a little work to do on communicating with doctors, but all-in-all, she did great. She had some great roommates and made some life long friends.

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's and enjoyed participating in our family traditions in our own home.  We continue to appreciate whatever time we have in our home and don't take it for granted. We are never sure how long it will last.

Lindsey, Gage, and Hunter are also involved in the skiing program.  Jason went up on Friday, and had a tough time keeping up with Gage and Hunter.  Gage 'bombed' Trouble Creek and other runs.  He loves to ski with his buddies especially Range.

Honestly, it is sooooo nice that we are not reporting any heart issues at this time.
Till next time
Hunter's AAU team


  1. So happy for such a great update!! Looks like everyone had a great time!
