Thursday, April 27, 2017

Well that stinks!

Over the last few days, Gage has been getting more and more puffy.  His body just keeps hangin' on to the extra fluid.  This extra fluid has been causing him to feel nauseous, tired and plain old "yucky."  We have tried to increase his diuretics to get him to pee it off more, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Yesterday was his third biopsy.  His heart pressure numbers were double what they were last week. They were 8 and now they are 16. Not good, they want these numbers below 10.  This morning he was just tired and nauseous when he woke up.  He took his medicine and ended up vomiting 15 minutes later.   All of this is looking way to familiar to the ole heart failure days of Sierra, Lindsey and Gage of old.   We called to let the doctors know what happened and if we should redose him. They were hearing the report and not feeling good about what they were hearing, so they admitted us to 3 West to figure this out.  While here, the biopsy results came back..... 3A rejection!!  Not what we were wanting AT ALL! This is the first time we have had this high of rejection this close to transplant.  We have only had one other 3 and that was when Sierra was changing medicines years ago.

So now what?  They are going to pump a high amount of steroids into him through IV and hopefully get him to pee some of this fluid off.  They will repeat his biopsy next week and see where it is then.  He will now stay on prednisone like the girls were on. (grrrrr)  Puffy cheeks and appetite here we come!  This is why they keep us close and biopsy so frequently post transplant.  We are glad we are here and the amazing team of doctors are on top of it.  We will get Gage feeling better in no time.

 Not happy to have to be admitted.
Below is a picture of the swelling in his face.  This was yesterday before biopsy.
No more staples!!


  1. I pray things turn around real quick... poor little puffy face... but he's right where he needs to be...
    (Jay is in North Powder plowing fields) he loves being a cowboy for a week✔️

  2. So many prayers for your family and sweet Gage. You're in the best place to figure things out. Praying things improve soon. 💕

  3. Well that sad little face tells the whole story! Tell him the story of my tiny little sliver that I whined about....he's so brave! Man of're still my hero! Things are going to get better soon! Praying, from High Valley!

  4. I'm so sorry that he has to be admitted! I hope that the fluid comes off soon and his next biopsy brings better news. Sending healing and love!

  5. Ugh! I'm sorry how scary and frustrating! I'm glad you have such good doc's to help figure things out.

  6. Well shoot. Better days will be come. Prayers💜 Kay P.

  7. Continued prayers for y'all!

  8. Prayers for you and Gage and your family.

  9. Hang in there Gage. Thinking of the entire Bingham family

  10. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I hope the steroids work quickly! We are keeping you all in our prayers.
    - Kathleen Yago

  11. Love, hugs and prayers for Gage Aurelius and his family.

  12. I just read there will be a special fundraiser type sale on Saturday here in LaGrande..for who? the Bingham family. I wish I had known as I would have donated a quilt or two to raise funds for you all. Though we don't know each other, I pray a lot for your little man Gage, and ask for healing to cover him from the inside, out.

  13. Well nuts!! Sending double the prayers. The dreaded prednisone...yuck. I get it a lot for asthma glad it does its job but can't stand the side effects either. Hope he's feeling better really soon, just sorry he had to be admitted again. Poor guy. But he's a real trouper and will get through this real soon. Hang in there Bingham family. The great doctors and God will get things going back in the right direction.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Keep fighting Gage, you are a tough kid!

  16. Prayers for your whole family and espically for Gage Prayers and Hugs

  17. That sure does stink...but I know Gage will come out smelling like a rose ;)
    Such a brave and handsome guy!

  18. Prayers for Gage and all of the Bingham family. What a huge challenge you've had and are still having. guys are all so strong. We are praying for you all every single day. Prayer works.....

  19. This letter is to Gage from a man I know I'm AZ, he saw your story on my face book site.. I thought it was nice of him to want to write Gage a letter.. I hope you don't mind..
    Hello Gage: Let me introduce my self. My name is Gage too! My name is Gage Smith. We share the same first name. I am writing to you as one “Gage” to another. There are not too many of us Gage’s around! However, I am 61 years old. That practically makes us twins (just kidding of course). Having walked around for the past 61 years with the name of Gage, let me clue you in on a few things: 1. You will spell it a lot. Be glad it is only four letters. No one ever gets it the first time you say it. They ask you to repeat it. Now a days, when some one asks me my name, I say “Gage...and that’s spelled G-A-G-E”. It is now more of a habit than anything else. 2. Get ready to get some unusual teasing. When I was growing up, people asked me if I was a 12 or 16 gauge (as in shot gun sizes). I was also called “Gas Gauge” quite a bit. It all used to bug me but not anymore. Having an unusual first name is really kind of cool. My parents thought that with a last name like Smith, they should put something unusual in front of it. I have three brothers and their names are Willem but we call him Wim for short. My mother was born and raised in Holland and her father was named Willem. Another brother is Cole. Back in a different century that was pretty unusual. Then there was me, Gage and then, when my younger brother was born, his name....get ready for this crazy Scott. Scott! I was so mad at my folks for giving me some crazy name and they name him Scott. We never had any sisters. I can only imagine what they would have named a girl! I grew up all around Western Nevada near Lake Tahoe and when I was a freshman in High School, we moved on to a ranch. I worked on the ranch until I graduated High School and went to college. My parents sold the ranch shortly after that. The guy who worked for free went to college! I look back on those years as some of the best of my life. I was a teacher for 28 years. I taught everything from third grade to high school math and history. My favorite age though was middle school kids...around 1114 years old. I have a sense of humor and like to kid around. I like kids that can laugh at my lame jokes. Plus I used to say that I don’t wipe noses, zip up pants or tie shoes. My wife and I never had any children of our own. I figured that I had at least thirty new children every school year. I keep in touch with quite a few of them as they are now adults and have new families, jobs and homes of their own. They make me proud of what I did. I’m retired now and spend a lot of time camping and exploring. I have a side by
    side RZR that I use a lot! In fact, a few summers ago, I was near where you live. I camped near Unity, Oregon and rode around those mountains for about a week. I live in mostly desert and to be in all those “tall green things” was pretty amazing. You are probably wondering how I found out about you. I am buying a small house near Salome AZ where your neighbor Dee James has a place. She has been very helpful to me giving me information about where this winter home will be. I read about you on her Facebook page. I want you to know Gage, that you have another Gage living in Nevada that is rooting for you all the way. Be strong my new young friend. Someday I want to come back to Eastern Oregon and meet you in person.
    Your Friend:
    Gage Smith

  20. This letter is to Gage from a man I know I'm AZ, he saw your story on my face book site.. I thought it was nice of him to want to write Gage a letter.. I hope you don't mind..
    Hello Gage: Let me introduce my self. My name is Gage too! My name is Gage Smith. We share the same first name. I am writing to you as one “Gage” to another. There are not too many of us Gage’s around! However, I am 61 years old. That practically makes us twins (just kidding of course). Having walked around for the past 61 years with the name of Gage, let me clue you in on a few things: 1. You will spell it a lot. Be glad it is only four letters. No one ever gets it the first time you say it. They ask you to repeat it. Now a days, when some one asks me my name, I say “Gage...and that’s spelled G-A-G-E”. It is now more of a habit than anything else. 2. Get ready to get some unusual teasing. When I was growing up, people asked me if I was a 12 or 16 gauge (as in shot gun sizes). I was also called “Gas Gauge” quite a bit. It all used to bug me but not anymore. Having an unusual first name is really kind of cool. My parents thought that with a last name like Smith, they should put something unusual in front of it. I have three brothers and their names are Willem but we call him Wim for short. My mother was born and raised in Holland and her father was named Willem. Another brother is Cole. Back in a different century that was pretty unusual. Then there was me, Gage and then, when my younger brother was born, his name....get ready for this crazy Scott. Scott! I was so mad at my folks for giving me some crazy name and they name him Scott. We never had any sisters. I can only imagine what they would have named a girl! I grew up all around Western Nevada near Lake Tahoe and when I was a freshman in High School, we moved on to a ranch. I worked on the ranch until I graduated High School and went to college. My parents sold the ranch shortly after that. The guy who worked for free went to college! I look back on those years as some of the best of my life. I was a teacher for 28 years. I taught everything from third grade to high school math and history. My favorite age though was middle school kids...around 1114 years old. I have a sense of humor and like to kid around. I like kids that can laugh at my lame jokes. Plus I used to say that I don’t wipe noses, zip up pants or tie shoes. My wife and I never had any children of our own. I figured that I had at least thirty new children every school year. I keep in touch with quite a few of them as they are now adults and have new families, jobs and homes of their own. They make me proud of what I did. I’m retired now and spend a lot of time camping and exploring. I have a side by
    side RZR that I use a lot! In fact, a few summers ago, I was near where you live. I camped near Unity, Oregon and rode around those mountains for about a week. I live in mostly desert and to be in all those “tall green things” was pretty amazing. You are probably wondering how I found out about you. I am buying a small house near Salome AZ where your neighbor Dee James has a place. She has been very helpful to me giving me information about where this winter home will be. I read about you on her Facebook page. I want you to know Gage, that you have another Gage living in Nevada that is rooting for you all the way. Be strong my new young friend. Someday I want to come back to Eastern Oregon and meet you in person.
    Your Friend:
    Gage Smith
