Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Biopsy #3 coming up.

Just wanted to make a few comments before Gage's 3 week biopsy.  Yes it has been 3 weeks since the transplant.  Sometimes that feels like just yesterday, and sometimes it feels like a life time ago.  Anyway, Stacy and I are a little nervous for our little Man-of-Steel.  The two big issues we see are his weight gain and lack of eating.
His weight is up NOT because of him eating, but because of fluid retention.  They are increasing / changing his meds around to help with increase fluid retention and tummy aches.  Sometimes they tweek his meds with a small 1/4 inch wrench, but this time it feels like they are using a 18 inch pipewrench with a cheater bar to adjust his meds.   With that in mind, Stacy and I are wondering if they might admit him for some IV treatments.  With this increase if fluid, his heart pressures will be elevated.  Just have to see.  His biopsy is today at 10:00 am but sometimes they get pushed back if other emergency cases come up.

I'm starting to get anxious to get home to Oregon, but also know this is where I need to be, especially if Aurelius get admitted. As always, Stacy and I are just preparing ourselves.

On a much lighter note, our good friend and Bishop Tom Isaacson was in his back yard and somehow caught a rare but beautiful bug or butterfly.  If you see him congratulate him on the find.  I believe he has named it his Precious and has it in a jar to show his friends.
Keep on Keepin' on.....
Notice the puffiness around his eyes.
And the staples come out today!!


  1. Saying a Prayer for a zero and a big fat appetite

  2. Poor Mr. can tell he doesn't feel well. Praying hard for good outcomes and no hospital admission.

  3. I hope his biopsy shows another zero! I hope Gage feels better soon!*hugs*

  4. You all have been on a roller coaster for so long! Little Gage has been through so much. Continued prayers for all of you to sustain you in this journey!

  5. So many prayers for you and your family. God is with you!

  6. Wow you guys are an amazing family, good luck to all of you, I don't get any updates anymore since grandma Arlene passed away, so I am glad you have this blog. Cort Cooper

  7. Praying, in High Valley.

  8. Gage, you will feel so much better once those staples are out. I know, I had 35 of those little buggers in my back. So hang in there, you are one tough little man.
