Friday, April 28, 2017

Working on a Plan

The doctors just finished rounding on Gage.  His night was okay.  Jason stayed here with him through the night.  There were alarms going off about low oxygen, that were more annoying than alarming.  Other than that, just a usual sleepless night in the hospital.  The doctors have estimated that Gage has an extra 1 Liter of fluid hanging out in his little body.  Yesterday they started him on an IV dose of lasix.  This is twice as potent as his dose he takes by mouth.  Much to my disdain, it did not do a whole lot.  Instead of him being a negative fluid balance ( More  peed off than drank) he was positive 600 mL.  Which means, he drank more than he peed and that much more fluid is sitting in his little body.  You can still see it in his poor, puffy face.

The goal for today is, start him on another diuretic along with the lasix (in other words get him peeing) and continue his heavy IV doses of steroids.  For the steroids, he will get a total of 3 doses IV and then they will transition him to pill form that he will be on for at least 6 months.  Today, he receives his second of 3. We were hoping to be discharged tomorrow, but it doesn't look like that will happen with his fluid hanging on like it is.  I am fine staying until this little guy gets feeling better.

On a more positive note, the steroids are starting to work on his appetite.  Last night he was actually interested in eating.  Not a lot, but at least was asking for food.  This is more than he has done in the last 3 days.  Bites here and there, but at least SOMETHING.

Jason left this morning to head back to Oregon.  It is really hard when he leaves, but he really needs to be back this weekend.  This is prom weekend for Megan.  The only way she is allowed to go is if her dad goes as her chaperone.  So he really needs to be back to support her in that.

It has been really hard being apart from Megan.  If we had to do it over again, we would have never let her go home.  At the time we thought Gage would get his transplant and we would all return home shortly after the school year started.  She is a little head strong (not sure where she gets that 😉) and really wanted to go to school in Oregon,  The extra stress this has added for all parties involved, has not been worth it.  To Jason's brothers family who have let her stay there, to Jason who feels so pulled as to where he needs to be, to me not feeling like I'm a part of her life, and to her, who is tired of being alone and going back and forth between our house and her uncles.

I am so glad, that we have an end to this "living apart" in site.  So many times I think, we'll fix that when we are done with this.  However, the 17 months of not being home and not being together as a family is starting to take a toll.  I feel inadequate as a parent with the struggles that I see in our children who aren't sick.  Struggles for attention that is needed, issues at school, feeling left out and alone, wishing they had more of a social life, wishing they had less of a social life.  All daily life struggles that are still there, but aren't addressed at the time due to attention needing to be to the child who is sick.  We have some pretty amazing kids who have really shined when faced with the difficult circumstances we force them into.  BUT, sometimes, I feel we miss the goal by a long shot.  So here's to another month or 2 of pushing through until we can be "us, the Bingham FAMILY" again.


  1. You are an amazing person hang in there. My Prayers are for you today stay strong.

  2. Your family is so amazing. You've all been through so much but still remain strong and supportive to one another. Keeping all of you together as much as you have is no easy feat. I think it was also good in a way that you let Megan stay in Oregon, cause she would feel she was wronged if she wasn't allowed to go and by allowing her she's learned that she should listen to mom and dad cause they're usually right lol. It also may make her think a little harder next time she wants to be stubborn lol. Needless to say though you've both done a great job in such a crummy situation.

  3. Praying for some improvement over the weekend. Stacy you and jason have so many balls in the air that you are juggling and you both are doing a great job! Sending prayers from NY. Jennifer

  4. Stacy and Jason, you are role models for all of us. Your grace and perseverance in these impossible circumstances is simply awe inspiring. Never doubt that you are amazing parents raising amazing kids. We can't wait for you to be home and together again. We pray daily that all will be healthy and your return will happen sooner rather than later. All our love and respect, the Fritzes

  5. When Gage has that extra fluid on him, and the Ivs going in, do they make him NPO or fluid restriction?
    You are all so amazing what you do as a family. I am in awe of what a great family you are in times of tremendous stress.
    Praying for your family every day!

  6. Although I can't begin to compare with your circumstances, I too had a child with medical issues. He had cystic fibrosis and needed much more attention than the other two. I also worried about the pressures and disappointment the other two felt. They are both adults now and I think if you asked them about their feelings of attention deprived or loneliness, they would both tell you they wouldn't have changed anything. They understood what their brother needed and they've turned into wonderful adults so try not to stress over that!

  7. You are an amazing mother and wife. I can literally feel the pull on your heart as you question all the ways your love is needed, but never doubt that your children know it's there. You have all faced more than most can say, all while holding onto God's promises and each other. That is powerful love. You all deserve the time to soak up the small, quiet moments. They are coming. Prayers are with you.

  8. I don't care what the situation is, a good parent never thinks they did all they should or could of done..we all have doubts.. That being said, you two have had everything thrown at you, and you are still fighting the good fight.. There are no perfect parents, and no perfect children.. We all do the best we can and leave the rest to God..

  9. Your feelings are totally understandable and you are amazing. Few others could have done what your family has done and is doing. I too hope it all ends soon and you can just be home.

  10. I cant add anything to what others have already said. Stacy, you are a simply amazing Mom, and Jason is an amazing Dad. You are both an inspiration to all the rest of us, as are your children. Yet guys set the bar pretty high for the rest of us and right now I"m praying for peace, comfort, healing and rest for each one of you. I'm also praying for thatcday when you'll all be waking up in your beautiful home in North Powder and will be enjoying the powerful sunrise we're experiencing this morning. God is good. That day is coming. Until then, know that many others continue to pray for you guys
    and will continue to do so, from High Valley.

  11. Hang in there, Stacy. Those are classic "mom" feelings and concerns, sick child or not. Yours are super-amplified because of what you are foing through. Kee am eternal perspective and all will be well.🙏🏼My go-to scripture for trying times with my family has been Isaiah 54:13 "And great shall be the peace of thy children." #gratitude brings peace💟

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry for deleting the other comment. I wasn't sure how to edit. Sending healing for Gage!*hugs* I hope his fluid levels go down! You and Jason are doing the best you can for all of your children! You are both amazing parents!
