Sunday, March 26, 2017

Day 503

Yes, we have joined the 500 club, not sure what that means, but we are there.  Heading back to Oregon for a fun filled week at work.  Megan flew into Calif yesterday.  As predicted it was so nice to have all our family together, even if it was for only one day.  Megan will be staying in Calif for the next week during the Oregon spring break.  Stacy has lined up some babysitting jobs for Megan to help with a little teenager cash flow. But mostly, it is good to have Megan with her mother and siblings.

Really nothing medical to report on the kids.  Gage is still a status 1A and waiting for that perfect match. 

Gage had his first coach pitch baseball game yesterday and loved it.  Hunter’s baseball season is going well.  The team is 1-5 but continuing to improve.  Hunter is convinced he should be playing either pitcher or catcher a heck of a lot more than he is.  Coach finally let him pitch for the first time last night under the lights.  He pitched 2 batters and didn’t walk them.  They both hit 2 grounders off him, so he as happy with that.

Sierra and Lindsey are very busy with school.  Sierra is still working 1-2 shifts a week at Tin Pot Ice Cream.  That is 1-2 shifts more that her Dad thinks she should be working.  She as a ton of home work and test prep to do for the upcoming SAT/ACT tests.  If she was on top of her studies and assignments that’s one thing, but with the demands she has at school, the work seems to be stretching her pretty thin.

In other Sierra news, she has quite a group of friends she hangs out with at school.  This morning she was telling us about some of the inter-group drama. Good Grief!! There is no way I would be able to articulate the teenage drama going on in Sierra's life.

We are still way excited for the upcoming 5K run at our place this Saturday.  Stacy and I have very little to do with it.  Katie Hubbard is doing a great job organizing it.  Stacy and the kids are still planning on leaving around noon this Friday and traveling all the way with 3 drivers, Stacy, Sierra and Megan.  With the better weather forecasts, the doctors are going to LEAVE Gage as status 1A and NOT suspend him from the list.  That’s a big deal!  That means if we get the ‘call’ while in Oregon, we will fly him back asap for the big dance. 

A struggle Stacy and I are facing is what to do this summer and fall. We plan up to certain parts and then we have to make choices for the next part as the wait continues.  We have planned until the end of the school year.  Planning for the unknown is a hard part of this journey.  We have possible summer sports camps, reunions, church activities, EFY, ranch work, summer school, biopsies, doctor’s appointment, and (what the heck) a vacation we would love to do.  Not to count the ‘Call’ when (not if) it happens.  Life is still going on and this time with our children is so short and precious.    A question Stacy and I ask ourselves is, ‘how would we treat this differently if this was our life style not a trial’. That might seem strange to many of you.  But the thought here is would Stacy and I do anything different if we chose this as a lifestyle (except the medical part)?  If we still have months or even (dare I say) years to wait, would we do anything different? How can we make the most of this time with our young but growing up family?  We have no answers.  The future and time frame is totally unpredictable. We are just trying to change our perspective and make the most of this time in circumstances out of our control.

Till next time

Gage and I on a fun cub scout hike at the Edgewood reserve.

 Gage's first game, he was so excited

 The morning hair ball

These were some wild turkeys just outside the RMH.


  1. Love the morning pictures - especially Stacy's shirt!

  2. Love the picture of Gage and Jason especially. The morning ones were cute to see as well. In regards to making your decisions I think you just need to continue doing what you two see as best for your family. No one has ever been in the position your family has been in, with so many of your children having heart issues and needing transplants. I think your children will appreciate you trying to keep things as normal as possible, all while trying to keep them together and include their wishes in the decisions. I feel your choices are going to teach your children to be adaptive to life's constant changes, especially ones we don't have much say in. Keep making the hard choices and decisions the best you can.
