Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 495. Saturday March 18, 2017

On the plane again, heading back to Calif, via Salt Lake this time.  Had another very busy week back in Oregon.  Tax season is in full swing and the work is going well.  Always good to be home with Megan.  She is in track now and is doing (or is trying) the long jump, high jump, triple jump, and the dreaded 300 hurdles.  They had their first track meet in Harper, a very small town outside of Vale.   According to Megan she took 4th in the long jump, 3rd in the triple jump, 7th in the high jump and like 5th in the 300 hurdles,…. And got a nice rosie sunburn.  I didn’t go but given the company she was with I know she had a good time.

Gage had his first baseball practice the other day and loved it.  He is the only one I know of who does NOT want the transplant right now.  If he did get the ‘call’ no more baseball.  Anyway, today is opening ceremony with another practice for Gage and a game for Hunter.  That is really the only reason I am heading back today, I wanted to see as much of the boy’s games and practices as I can.  After this upcoming week in Calif, I will be in Oregon for 3 weeks to finish tax season.

Come to find out, Gage had another issue with his HeartWare, so instead of heading to baseball practice, he had the wonderful opportunity to spending about 3 hours in the CVICU getting the controller changed out.  Needless to say, he was NOT in a good mood.  Everything is ok, they just had to change the controller out.   

Earlier this last week, Gage had a doctor’s appointment with both the heart doctor and the kidney doctor.  The kidney’s usually take a hit with heart failure patients, but Gage’s kidneys are in good shape.  So they were both happy to inform us that Gage is STILL a great candidate for a transplant. After 16+ months, I sure hope so!   To our surprise, they both gave permission for Gage to go home for spring break with OUT being taken off the list.  That is huge!  I will be working hard to make sure we always have a flight lined up to get him back for the big dance with Dr. Katz Meada.

This Saturday, Megan will be flying down to spend spring break with the family.  That will sure be good to have her with the rest of the crew.  After the Oregon spring break they will ALL be driving back to Oregon for the Calif spring break.  In the middle of all that, we will be participating in the 5k run Katie has organized on April 1.  Any of you who still want to register, you can register at  At the conclusion of spring break, on April 8, Sierra will have the ever exciting and oh so stressful ACT test.  She has been working on preparing for this. Hope it goes well.

One other last comment and on a more serious note, our good friends almost lost their little boy in a tragic drowning.  What a blessing and miracle that they were able to revive and save that precious little boy.  What a scary and tragic event that must have been.  How dare Stacy and I pray for and wish that Gage will get his transplant 'soon' when that is the type of tragedy it will take to get it done.  It was sure a good wake up call for Stacy and I.   Gage is healthy and he will get his turn when the time is right.

That’s it for now.  Hate to leave Megan, excited to see the family.


Stacy took a day off from being with Gage and went on a fieldtrip with Hunter's fifth grade class.

Gage at his first baseball practice.

Topped the week off with a scout carnival and middle school dance.

Planned on going to baseball practice, but got to go to the hospital for a controller change instead.

     Megan sporting her awesome track gear.

Anyone who has heard me complain will get these last two pictures.


  1. I hate to admit it took me a second look or two to identify what Hunter is pointing to. I guess I always look at things from a south instead of west perspective on Google Earth. Also, what a nice big kitchen you have.

  2. Just wanted to let you guys know I was thinking of you and I hope good things happen for you soon,

    Sebastians dad
