Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day 511 - Received the Call

Yes, you read that title correctly! At 11:00 PM I received a call from the doctor saying that they might have a match for Gage, but they were waiting for some labs.  The doctors wanted to make sure that we had a flight in place so that he could get back to California in time.  They were going to call back in an hour and let me know if it was a match.  Instantly Jason and my minds begin turning and trying to figure out what we needed to do.  Jason had a busy tax day planned and I was going to enjoy the day cleaning my house from top to bottom.

The doctor called back and said that it was a match and we needed to get to California as soon as possible.  We woke up all the kids first and told them the great news and that they needed to get packing.  The last person we told was Gage, as we knew his response was not going to be the same as Lindsey's was.  He has been really scared and petrified of his transplant to the point where he was having bad dreams where he didn't make it out of surgery.  His reaction was what we expected, he cried and didn't want to leave.  We have a big day ahead of us of keeping him busy to keep his mind off of things.

The initial time for surgery is 3 PM today.  It always changed however.  In the meantime, Jason is driving with Sierra, Megan and Nori (Sierra's friend) and I flew here with Lindsey, Hunter and Gage.  There will be some haircutting of the boys going on to help pass time.  Stay tuned for updates. 😊💓💓


  1. What great news! Prayers for you and the donor family. Thank you for always updating.

  2. Stacy - What great news. I am so excited for this opportunity! You and your family, the doctors and especially Gage will be in our prayers.

  3. Such great news! Loves to Gage--such bravery required from all of you. Love and prayers from the Fritzes!

  4. Big prayers for Gage and all of you! Keeping the donor family in my thoughts and prayers, too. xoxo

  5. Praying for your family. May today bring peace, comfort and healing!

  6. How exciting! Lots of prayers for Gage, your family, and the donor family.

  7. Gage Aurelius...Strong and Courageous!! You got this, Buddy!! Prayers for the medical team, the family, the parents, grandparents, and of course, the Star of the Show!! Go Gage!!

  8. Praying for all involved.

  9. Praying for your family! ❤️

  10. Hi - you don't know me... I think we met once many years ago in the Heart center waiting room. But I've been following your blog. And I'll be keeping Gage and the rest of your family in my thoughts & prayers today. -Elizabeth

  11. I'll pray for Gage and his medical team to be guided by God's hand and ask for love and comfort to go out to the donor family. Best wishes and n God bless.

  12. What a Blessing Praying for him and you and for your Family,If Grace be with you2.

  13. So happy for you Gage! Will you do great..this is a good thing. God will be watching over you..he knows how strong you have been for so long. Hugs to all! From all the kids at Grandmas Gang Daycare!

  14. that was supposed to say YOU WILL DO GREAT!

  15. Yay!!!!!! I check the blog once a week or so and something told me to check again this morning (though I just read your last post less than 48hrs ago!). So glad I did!!! Prayers for a smooth operation, calm minds, and steady hands! You've got this Gage!

  16. Praying for Gage and your whole family! Sending love from Utah!

  17. Have been following blog. Prayers and best wishes to all of you.

  18. What great news to hear. We are sending our prayers from the Lynn Hobbs Family.
    You are such a sweet family and no one else could do this in such a positive way.
    May the Lord continue to bless your sweet family.

  19. Have been following your blog for a long time! I am so happy to hear this wonderful news! Lots of prayers for your family and the doctors!!!

  20. I've been fasting and praying for Gage and your family! I'm so grateful that there is a heart available for Gage. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers today!

  21. Reine and Kent BinghamApril 4, 2017 at 11:48 AM

    Hey, Gage Aurelius, Man-of-Steel, I am wearing my Gage Aurelius bracelet. We are cheering you on and keeping you and your family in our prayers. We are also praying for the donor family and all they are going through.

  22. Yay!I'm so excited for you! Gage you will be a champ. Everything will go great. I know nerves and excitement are there. Way to go Team!

  23. Best wishes Gage! I had to re-read this a few times for it to sink it. I hope the surgery goes well. Prayers to your family and the donor family.

  24. Crystal (Martin) OtleyApril 4, 2017 at 12:35 PM

    That is such awesome news! I'm spreading today's post far and wide to get the prayer chain spread far and wide! God Bless You All!

  25. What wonderful news for Gage and your family. Gage, sweetie, everything is going to be okay. I know it's scary. Prayers for all involved.

  26. Our family sends our love, prayers and support to all of our cousins !!!!! Although not in touch for a while I have been monitoring such a great family. We are so thankful for all of our blessings and know that god has been in your corner and though we do not know why such challenges have come your way, I know your faith keeps you going. As a grand parent, I know that Dale and Leslie truly carry a heavy load as our love for our children and grand children is endless. So,prayers to the entire family of Binghams through this next phase. I believe Gage in on his wsy to recovery and such a brave young man. Love to all LaVon Bingham Hall and family.

  27. Amanda (Lindsey's friend) just told me the good news and I had to come check the blog for myself. We are so happy for Gage! The Mershon family sends its prayers and will be thinking of you all today.

  28. What wonderful news! I hope that Gage's surgery goes well! Sending healing and peace!

  29. Praying all goes well! We have been praying for this heart for over a year now! Sending love from our family to yours!

  30. Prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. Your family is always in my thoughts.

  31. I cried when I saw this post. I've been checking your blog all the time waiting for the good news. I'm so happy for you that the day is finally here for Gage and so appreciative that there are families that make the decision to donate organs. I'll be keeping your family, and the donor family, in my thoughts. You will do great Gage!

  32. I don't know you, but my prayers are with you. About 2 1/2 years ago I sat in the hospital in Salt Lake waiting for my sons liver transplant. The procedure took about 15 hours. It was a long wait. Praying that things go well for Gage! And I'm watching your blog for updates.

  33. Prayers for Gage and your sweet family!

  34. Prayers from Wa state. We are humbled by folks that have the forsight to be donors.Bless you all as a family and the surgeons.

  35. Sending prayers for gage, family, doctors and the donor family. I'm praying for peace for gage and his donor family. So excited to finally hear the news that a heart is finally available and it's his turn.

  36. You & your courageous family are in our thoughts & prayers. When I told my son, Malachi, (one of your school mates) the news, he said, "My wish has come true! I miss that guy!" We can't wait to read the next post. Waiting with high hopes...♡ The Robles Family

  37. Very good news! I pray that Gage will have peace and a calm mind throughout the process.
