Thursday, October 6, 2016

Deer Hunt

Day 329
September 29, 2016,
Right now Hunter and I are on a plane heading home for annual deer hunt.  I don’t have a deer tag, but we have so much fun and it would good for Hunter to get out and do some boy stuff. 
Thank you for the comments to our blog.  Stacy and I read and ponder each one.

Not a lot has changed since the last update.  I am going back and forth to Oregon spending about a week in each state.  Megan is still in Oregon living at my brother’s place, playing volleyball and going to school at Powder Valley.  Sierra is still very busy with homework, band, and work.  She took a practice ACT test to see the areas she needs to focus on.  She has decided she needs focus on everything!  She celebrated her 17th  birthday on the 20th.  I can't believe she is 17! Where is the time going? Lindsey is at Jordan and loves playing on the volleyball team.  She had some good hits at the game in Half Moon Bay. Hunter is still Hunter, he has his good days and his not so good days.  Sometimes his attitude gets the best of him (or the worse of him).   He did get elected as a class representative on the student council.  He gave a great election speech to win the bid. Hunter celebrated his 10th birthday on the 24th.  His buddy Bradey, Gage, Hunter and I went and played miniature golf and had a great time.

Gage Aurelius is having some incredibly good days.  He loves going to school and loves having his mother there with him.  If we didn’t have to change batteries and do dressing changes, you wouldn’t know there were any heart issues at all.  We are planning a trip for Stacy to go back to Oregon to watch Megan play a few games, be there for Megan’s homecoming, and just be a Mom in Oregon.  That would be good for both of them.   I will have to man the post in Calif with the rest of the gang. 

Stand by for that. 
Ready to land.
I will report back on the flight home.
Till next time.

October 3, 2016
Now we are on our way back to Calif. As per usual we had a great time. Megan lost her game to Joseph in a grueling and stressful 5 matches.  4 of the 5 games were decided by only 2 points. We hunted into a nice black bear. It was quite a team effort to find, track and hunt him.  Not sure I have hiked harder coming up out of Packsaddle tracking and following the bear. Nick finally caught up with him in Corral Creek. I had to leave Hunter, Roper, Keanna, and Dalley Jo behind in Packsaddle as I pushed on in the hunt (and get Megan to her Wallowa game on time).   They all did great coming out.
I guess as Nick and Jake were cleaning out the bear and preparing it to pack out, Jake’s horse Sammy reared up, broke his halter, and rolled down the hill head first 5-6 times through thick brush, trees, and down timber.  VERY scary!  That country is so steep, Sammy should have went to the bottom and/or broke bones in the fall.  Somehow Sammy stopped on the hill side and came out of it with only a small scratch.   Very lucky.   Jake and Justin also hunted a couple of bucks in Fence Creek, but never able to get on top of them.  Jake and two of his boys are still there today and hope to hunt into them.    Anyway, there are always good stories each year after deer camp.    

Called Gage and the Calif crew over the weekend.  Gage had a fun but anti-climactic 8 year old birthday. He took his Mom, Lindsey and Sierra to the same miniature golf course Hunter went to on his birthday and had a great time.  Eight year old birthdays are a big deal in our family and faith, but not so much for Gage this time.  When kids turn 8 they are old enough to be baptized into the church and go on the deer camp.  Because of Gage’s situation, he was not able to do either.  Hopefully he can get baptized soon (after he gets rid of ole’ Blackwood) and he can go to deer camp (after his transplant).    

I guess Sierra was asked to the PALY Homecoming by a kid named Theo.  Stand by for that.  Also, Megan and Stacy have big plans for the Powder Valley Homecoming this weekend. Stand by for that as well.

Till next time.
Jason (and Hunter)

Sierra's birthday celebration. 

Hunter's birthday celebration, with his buddy Bradey. 

Jason and Hunter getting ready to take off on the big deer hunt. 

Gage's birthday breakfast of boiled eggs (whatever it takes to get him to eat something). 

Birthday dinner at California Pizza kitchen. 

Miniature Golf, we are all definitely headed for the pros! 

Gage's birthday party! 

Lindsey getting her volleyball face on.


  1. So glad to hear that Gage is doing well. We sure keep praying that he'll get a new heart soon.

    Okay, so I'm definitely learning from your blog that bears and horses do NOT go together. Dale has a story with his horse Wendy and now Jake.

  2. Happy belated 8th, 10th, and 17th birthdays to the kids. Saying lots of prayers that Gage continues to do so well with Blackwood and gets his new and healthy heart as soon as possible.
