Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day 314, Just thoughts

September 16, 2016

Thoughts from the plane heading home.

Sometimes Stacy and I really struggle on how to deal with all of this.  Some days I think we are nailing it, others, we are getting nailed.  Since we have moved back into the RMH this week, I have wondered how other fathers would handle this situation.  I think about by brothers, college buddies, clients, cousins, elk hunting buddies, and other friends and neighbors.  They have great families and living the life dealt to them.  What would they do if out of the blue one, then another, then another of their children came down with a life changing disease that completely changed their lives? Would they sell out and move to Calif? Get a different job? Find a home in the Bay area? Keep the family together? Or just stay at home with the kids while the spouse tends to the sick children? This question has haughted me for months as we have made decisions regarding where we live, where our kids go to school, what activities they are involved in, and how often I travel back and forth to Oregon.  I feel so bad for Stacy when I leave her there with the kids.  I have seen the stress load she carries on her back as she cares for Gage, helps the kids with homework, keeps up with 3 medicine regiments, and runs them to different activities and appointments.  We think it is important to keep our kids involved in activities, but when the activities are at the same time at different locations, and the kids cannot be left in the RMH alone, and some need to get to bed, and others have homework, it turns into a rat race.  So where do we draw the line? Something has to give.  I help out as much as I can.  The biggest help I can be to her is helping get kids to school, and running them around after school to activities.  Is this the right thing? I don’t know, but this is what we are going with.   Please understand, I am not comparing our lives to others, or even complaining (which doesn’t do any good), we are just wondering if we are doing the right thing.

We have also wondered if having Megan home in Oregon was the right thing to do.  We miss her terribly bad, especially Stacy.  It would be so good for Stacy to go home for a time to be a Mom to Megan.  That would do them both a lot of good.

Living in the Los Alto home was a good thing for our family.  It gave Stacy the chance to be a ‘regular’ mother with cooking meals in a normal kitchen, girls and boys in separate rooms, a separate room for Stacy and I, a kitchen table to sit and eat at as a family. Those are thing we all take for granted.  Honestly, this RMH room is tiny, very nice and well decorated, but still tiny.  I am not sure where Megan would sleep or where she would keep her stuff if she were here.  The RMH was not made for a family of seven. It is made for one or two parents and one or two kids.  So then the questions comes up if we shouldn’t be taking the kids back to Oregon or just make it work in Calif.   There is no way Stacy or I would want to divide the kids and send them back to Oregon.  Gage and Stacy and myself would not cope with that very well. So now that brings me back to my original question. What would other dad’s do in this situation? Is there another solution?  We have looked (and continue to look) into other places to rent close to the hospital.  The smallest apartments start around $3500/month and a small house is around 6-9000/month.  That is crazy and totally impossible for us. I am already paying a hefty mortgage back in Oregon.    

Stacy and I are doing ok.  It is hard to be away from each other so much.  My first night in Calif I woke up in the middle of the night in a fog wondering who that was next to me in bed.  That’s not something I am proud of.  So many times Stacy or I need to talk and the other is just not available. Honestly, we don’t know how single parents or other couples handle it when the father is away from home for work.  I just hate it!  But for now, this is what needs to happen.

We have deer hunt coming up.  We (I) look forward to this more than about anything else.  We have been going to this same spot since I was 11 years old and I have looked forward to hangin’ out with my brothers every year. It is a place that doesn’t change and is very peaceful. Anyway, we made the decision that Hunter and I would fly back for the hunt, while Stacy is in Calif with Gage, Lindsey and Sierra.  Sierra and Lindsey have too much homework, school, band concerts and sports to be missing two days of school.  In Oregon we can pull this off because they don’t have school on Fridays, but not in Calif.  With the travel time needed and missing school, it would be too much for the girls. As for Hunter in the 5th grade, it will be good for his mother’s sanity to get him you in the wild for a spell.  We can also catch a couple of Megan’s volleyball games which happen to be in Joseph and Wallowa which is close to the hunt.    

Stacy and I keep telling ourselves how well everything is going and it is! Gage is NOT on in the hospital on the Berlin Heart and is doing fantastic on the LVad.  Rarely does he have issues. Having said that, he did get dizzy today at school to the point of collapsing.  We take that very seriously! That could be a sign of stroke, brain bleed, blood clot, etc.  He did snap out and was check out at the hospital.  Everything checked out fine, but we (Stacy) sure watches him close now. I guess that’s the reason we live so close to the hospital.

I hope you understand I am not complaining or comparing our lives to others.  These are just some of the feelings Stacy and I have and some the inner struggles we are going through.

September 18, 2016

Been home a few days now.  Good to see Megan and be together in our house.  Watched her play volleyball yesterday in the North Powder tournament.  That was so fun.  She has improved a ton since I saw her play 10 days ago.  They are making a copy of the games so Stacy can watch her daughter.

That’s it for now.  I am in my second life in Oregon.  Strange how I pick-up where I left off and keep on keepin' on.



  1. I pray and think of your family so much. I first heard of your family on Dateline. please know you continue to be in my thoughts. I will pray for wisdom as you and Stacy make so many decisions on behalf of your family. Forgive me, but a few months ago I requested an address to mail something to you. Stacy was so kind in responding, but happened and I never sent it! :/ I understand you are back at RMH. Could you please send me the address for the new place you are staying in? Thanks so much. God bless.....


  2. Lindsay gave a BEAUTIFUL, well organized and well thought-out talk today in Church. FANTASTIC.
    P.S. Not ALL P.A. birthday parties are that elaborate and I certainly never gave any like that for my children. Go to the park, play games, eat ice cream and cake and celebrate -- they will love it. All most kids want to do as you know is be together and just play.

  3. I don't know your family but follow your updates regularly since seeing your story on Dateline. God is first and foremost in everything and I believe that He guides us in everything we do as long as we ask and open our hearts to Him through prayer. Which I believe that you do and though you struggle with what decisions to make, I believe the Holy Spirit will help you to make the right decisions when it's time. You not knowing what to do, just means things are meant to be as they are until further notice.

  4. My husband is seriously ill. I am not sure how much longer I will have him with me. My life is so different from everyone around me. Other people don't understand the continually stress. Every time my husband coughs I wonder if it is a cold or pneumonia.

    You need to pray for guidance and follow the spirit. I know that I receive nuggets of knowledge when I need them.

    There are lots of people praying for your family and there are angels on earth and in heaven watching over you and your family.

  5. I want to thank you for your honesty in these posts. I am a widow because of cardiomyopathy and I have one daughter with a heart transplant and one that is starting to show symptoms on her echo that may mean that she has it too. I wondered constantly about splitting up the family while we were waiting for my oldest's transplant. Who should be at Grandma's and who should be with us at the RMH? Same when my husband was in the hospital. It all worked out in the end and I know it will next time too.

  6. Your family is doing an amazing job. You and Stacy set such a great example for your kids and everyone who knows you.i can't imagine anyone managing it all better than you are.

  7. Your family is doing an amazing job. You and Stacy set such a great example for your kids and everyone who knows you.i can't imagine anyone managing it all better than you are.

  8. Oh Jason - you two are amazing - truly amazing. I know that we all look at you and think there is no way we would hold it together like you two do. You keep your children moving forward and those of us who are parents can only imagine the daily struggles you all face. We pray for you daily! God is leading you and you are making the best choices you can. Hugs and much love to you all!

    P.S. Tell Hunter I'm waiting for him to bless our fifth grade classroom. I have to say we have a pretty sweet crew - but it's missing one piece of our puzzle.

  9. I'll never forget the day I told Shifra "I don't know how much longer I can do this." I think the answer was probably forever, but the exhaustion sets in. Your post brought me back to that time.

    I truly hope you are never on the other side, but if you are, the thing that comforts me the most is that I have no regrets. I showed up every day and gave it all I had. I made the best decisions I could with the information I had.

    The doubt, uncertainty, and unknown is the hardest part, but the two of you know this all to well. The challenge is that there is no right answer. You can only show up and do your best.

    Jason and Stacy, the two of you show up every day for your children and provide an amazing life for them. I'm sure the questions aren't easy, but I know you will find the answers that are right for your family.

  10. I've been reading your journey, and I am so impressed with how well your family has rolled with the punches. The Dateline episodes were wonderful, I just wish they had included your faith, which is so present in your blog posts. My family's challenges have been very different, and requiring no hospital stays, but our faith & receiving priesthood blessings has really helped us get through the toughest times. Gage (and your whole family) is in our prayers.

    My Primary class is one year younger than Gage. If you think he'd like it, we would love to send him some cards from the East Coast. my email is

  11. Thanks for the updates, Jason. I've been following your family for a few years, and my only advice would be to keep on doing what seems to make the most sense, in the midst of this family crisis. Because the crisis has become everyday life, it may have become the new normal, but keep watching out for your kids, keep up the good work, and keep moving forward one day at a time. May the Lord inspire you with the insights you need and with the wisdom to act appropriately.

    - Luke
