Friday, September 16, 2016

Day 312, Trying to Figure Out the "New" Routine

September 15,
Stacy here,
As bummed as we were that Gage couldn't go home for Labor Day weekend, we ended up making the best of it and having an enjoyable weekend.  Friday of Labor Day we made a fort out of blankets, made chocolate chip cookies and watched a movie in the fort.  The excitement happened when the power went out and it was pitch black.  We crawled around the floor,  found some flash lights and read a book together in the fort.  Lindsey joined us after babysitting and Sierra joined us when she got off work.

Saturday, we ran some errands and took Hunter to a birthday party.  This was not the typical "Eastern Oregon birthday parties" we are used to.  They set a pretty high bar around here.  The party of 15-20 boys was taken from Palo Alto to San Jose in a black stretch Hummer limousine.  They played laser tag, ate pizza then returned in the Hummer limousine.  Hunter had a great time and was starting to think of what he might want to do for his party, coming up on the 24th of September.  I suggested meeting at a park for cake and ice cream and playing "Red-Rover Red-Rover."  I'm not sure he appreciated my suggestion, but we will see what we end up with.

Had a relaxing day Sunday and went for a hike on Monday. Sunday, Gage complained of feeling something in the back of his throat.  This is the complaint he gives when he is bleeding somewhere.  He was acting great and only spit up one little clot.  Later that afternoon he ended up throwing up blood a couple of times.  We called the doctors and decided to give him a break from his feeding tube for a couple of days. He still acted good so we did not have to go into the hospital.  Thank Heavens!!

Gage really wanted to go for a hike.  Since he has started cub scouts (which he absolutely loves) he has been excited to go for a hike,  We found a great place right next to the house we've been staying at in Los Altos.  He started out excited, but tired out quickly.  We didn't go as far as we thought we were going to go, but we had fun anyway.  We really tried to take in the weekend and enjoy being in the Los Altos house one last weekend before heading back to the RMH.  Really missed Jason and Megan to make us a complete family.

Jason returned here to California on Wednesday.  It is always so nice to have him back.  It always takes a couple days to adjust to having him here and a couple to adjust once he leaves.  I won't lie, the back and forth is hard on both of us.

This Saturday we started moving back into the RMH.  It was a bitter sweet feeling.  Sad to be leaving a house we could feel like a somewhat normal family (cooking, eating as a family, having a homework routine, etc).  Returning to the RMH, where we are closer to the kids schools and activities.  Thank you so much Dan and Judi for the wonderful time and memories we were able to have because of your generosity! You definitely helped our summer feel like summer. Now we are trying to relearn a new routine for the weekdays.  Getting everyone out the door on time and making sure they have breakfast and snacks for the day.  Some mornings we know things that work and other mornings we need to change some things around.

Gage is doing good in school and LOVES attending regular school.  Hunter is playing the cello and flag football, and is enjoying the 5th grade.  Lindsey has made some more great friends at school and this year appears to be going better than last.  She is more in the routine of things.  She made the 7th grade B team for volleyball, and is excited to be playing a sport.  Sierra is keeping up with school and working 1-2 times per week.  She is really enjoying her job at Tin Pot Creamery and has some fun stories to share about the weirdos that come in late at night.

Jason, Hunter and Gage continue to grow their hair out waiting for Gage's day to come and I am going with out sugar.  Hopefully his turn will come soon, but until then, we are in a good place.

September 7, 2016
Jason here. 
Couple items to report.  A few days ago Gage threw up a blood clot in his stomach along with the feeding tube.  They think it was his feeding tube irritating his stomach.  He as not hospitalized, and Stacy was able to manage the care from the Los Altos house.  They kept the feeding tube out for 2 nights gave him vitamin K supplements to counteract the lack of nightly feeds.  Over the last two nights he as lost a little weight, but other than that he did ok.  Last night Stacy put the feeding tube back in after three unsuccessful attempts.  That's always a traumatic experience!  Today he is at school and doing ok, not great.

Left Oregon this morning and will be gone for 9 days. Megan will be staying with my brother Justin and his family.  Definitely not crazy about leaving Megan and would love to be there to support her in her activities, but for now I am needed in Calif.

Spent Labor day, ALL DAY, bottling pears.  We have a pear tree that really produced the fruit and the time had come to process the harvest before leaving for Calif.  So, for 13 hours on Labor Day, Megan and I along with a few cousins, bottle 63 quarts.  That was a big deal for Megan and I.  When we were all done we were pooped.
That’s it for now.
Till next time

Sept 15,
Sorry for the long posts.  We get so busy we don't get our days posted.  We still want to record this crazy journey, so here is the last of our updates.

We are now moved into our cozy room 304 at the RMH.  The kitchen and living areas are very nice and spacious and our actual rooms compare to a motel style room with 2 queen size beds and pull out mattress.  Have to admit, it gets a little crazy and tense in our room as we are trying to get homework done, kids in bed on time, and ready for the next day.
Leaving for Oregon today. Will be there for six days.  Long enough to see Megan play a few games, be a Dad, check in with ole Axelrod and the homestead, cry over my frozen garden, regroup at the office, and back to Calif next friday morning.   Really nice if Stacy could make a quick trip home to see Megan play and just be home for a bit.  Hopefully I can make that happen.

Our much anticipated deer hunt is coming up at the end of October.  We have been trying to figure out the best plan for this weekend.  The hunt is more of a fathers and kids campout in a special place we have been going since 1981. We rarely miss a year there. So we are trying to figure out if we can get Hunter and/or Lindsey home for that weekend.  But with missed school and traveling, not sure how to pull this one off yet.  Stand by for that one.

Anyway, life goes on as we wait for Gage's transplant.


 Hangin out in the fort
Lindsey's new friend and long lost twin, Taylor.  It is creepy home much these to look and act the same. 
 Sierra's pepband

 Welcome to our cozy RMH room 304

 One of our favorite nurses from the 'Lindsey' days. 'English' Tracy
 At the trail head

The entire pep band
 Yeck and I.
 Proof of the pears
Our Megan that we miss
Our deer hunt country
from 2010


  1. Thanks for the update. I'm glad he's doing better now. Wow you guys worked hard on those pears.

  2. I just watched the Dateline special of your family........I cried throughout the entire show! Then I googled your family and found this blog. The strength, love, and endurance of your family makes my own heart fill with great joy and happiness! I will continue to pray for your family and especially little Gage! Thank you for sharing your story. It has affected me in a big way! God Bless! -Bobbi Jo Yates
