Thursday, October 13, 2016

Oct 11, Day 337

October 11, 2016
Day 337 and time to check in.

Gage Aurelius’ status is exactly the same.  He is still on the LVAD and tryings his best to wear out the 2nd backpack.  He has been on the list for 11 months and 1 day and doing great!  I took the boys to one of those bouncy houses the other day and I couldn’t believe how hard he and Hunter played.  They were wrestling and fighting and jumping and playing.  I know Jen and the heart doctors would have had a complete FIT, but I let it go.  He is still a boy and loves to play. I didn’t take any video so they can’t pin me on anything! Haha

Stacy and Lindsey had a great trip home to Oregon.  She was only there Friday and Saturday but her and Lindsey made the most of it.  They went to 3 of Megan’s volleyball games and saw darn near every friend and family there.  She was also there for Megan’s homecoming and had a great time.  After the dance, Megan and a bunch of her friends came over for night games, bon fire, and hangin’ out.  That was a good thing for both Stacy and Megan.  I held the fort down at the RMH with the boys.  Sierra would have went but had to work.  Sinks to have to be responsible.   Honestly, Stacy needed a break from Gage’s monitoring and a whole lot of Hunter’s attitude (which is all over the place these days).  So all-in-all, this trip for her was well needed on many fronts.

Had a great Saturday with Hunter and Gage. We went to a park, played basketball, soccer, and most importantly we played capture the flag with nurf guns.  It was awesome! 

We (mostly myself) are still learning to adapt to the cozy one room living quarters and shared kitchen space at the RMH.  We are making it work, and grateful to have it, (I mean that) but it is definitely a change in your mind set.  I don’t know what we would do without the RMH.  We are always looking for options, but this is the best thing for us at this time.  Without going into detail, it has been a humbling experience.

That is about it for now, let me know if we are missing anything or any questions we need to address.  Still having problems loading pictures, but when I do, look out.




  1. I would dare say you are giving Axelrod (the Doc) a run for his money on the hair...if you could curl yours a little bit, you'd be rocking the twin thing! ;) Haha! So glad that Gage is able to do "regular kid" things. All you continue to be an inspiration to so many people, including us, here in little ol' Idaho Falls. I wish there was a way every person that cares about you guys could take a little bit of your load and carry it for a while--

    You're always in our prayers.

  2. I am always amazed at how "all" of the kids are growing up. Life continues to go on under all conditions.
    That's a beautiful thing. Love and hugs to y'all.
