Monday, February 22, 2016

DAy 103, Feb 22

This last week with Jason here went way too fast.  I feel like we just get used to having him here and around us again and it is time for him to go back home.  We are so grateful for the job that he has that allows him to be here as often as he is.  It makes us treasure those moments more.  This has been quite a week for us.

Sierra had clinic on Tuesday.  This was just a check in clinic.   She has clinic monthly with biopsies every 3 months until her first year anniversary.  Then, if all continues to go well, she will go to biopsies every 6 months.  She is doing very well.  The doctors cut her lasix down.  She hasn't been off lasix for years.  Starting tomorrow, she is officially off of lasix.  While we were in clinic, we were ecstatic and pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from her new heart's donor family.  This letter took a while to get to us.  It was written before November and we just received it this week.  We were very excited to receive it and they would like to meet Sierra.  She wrote them back and is looking forward to meeting them as well.  Sierra has the precious heart of a 10 year old girl named Jasmine.  Stay tuned for more on that as it develops.

Gage had clinic as well.  There wasn't much to change on him.  They are adding lasix back to his medication regimen.  He was starting to retain some fluid.  He was taken off the lasix when he was sick, because they didn't want to dry him out so much.  Now he is better and he is holding on to his fluid.  He is acting like himself, very energetic and quite the clown.  He would love to play baseball, and so would his father like him to play baseball.  I am just a little too nervous about a flying ball coming at his HeartWare or his stomach.  The debate still continues.

Megan finished up her basketball season for JV. She was invited to finish the season with the varsity team.  This is a big honor and she was very stoked about that.  I don't know if she will play at all, but she will practice with them.

Hunter is loving baseball and doing very well in school.  When I ask who he plays with at recess or lunch he says, "Well, it depends on what I am in the mood to play."  Then proceeds to give me 2-3 different activities and the names of the kids that play in those activities.  I think he is fitting in fine.

Lindsey is hanging in there.  Still struggling to "fit it."  My heart ached for her today.  She has some girls that she really wants to be good friends with in her class at school.  They keep snubbing her and are a little snobby towards her.  I met with her teachers and counselor for an IEP meeting this week.  Even the teachers were upset with these girls in their class, because they could see these girls being snobs to Lindsey.  This is the hard part, when there is nothing we as adults (parents, teachers, etc) can do for her.  She has to figure it out on her own.  Needless to say, she was REALLY missing her friends from Oregon today.  I think this is why she likes to be around adults so much, they don't tend to be mean to kids.   There must be a safety for her that she finds from them.  Unfortunately, lessons have to be learned, no matter how hard this is for us.  I have no doubt she will find a good friend, it might just take a little longer than she (all of us) were hoping.

Jason is very busy as in any tax season.  I am doing well and keep seeing the blessings placed before us every day!

Sierra and I looking at the letter from her donor family while in clinic.
Gage doing physical therapy.

Some very sweet girls from John Day sent Gage a super hero package.  He loved the cape and mask they made for him.  Thank you so much girls.
Hunter at his Blue and Gold Banquet here in Palo Alto.  A little bit bigger troop than Oregon.
Every time I change Gage's dressing I take a picture to email to the doctors so they can see if it is infected or not.  So far so good, it looks Very Good!
Saturday Sierra and I went to a conference on cardiomyopathy.  It was put on here at Stanford for families with different types of cardiomyopathy.  This slide was from one of the speakers.  I thought it interesting that more people die of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) than fire or gun shot situations. It was a good conference and we were interviewed and featured in the San Jose Mercury Newspaper.
The highlight of our week was seeing our wonderful friends "The Stockwells."  We met them way back when this journey all started in 2006 when we were here with Lindsey.  Shawn was here for biopsy and check ups.  More pictures to come.  George and Jason before Jason had to head back home.


  1. My heart hurts for little Lindsey. Trinity had a dream about her the other night aND when I woke her us, she started crying. She misses her SO much.I went to a new school when I was in 6th grade and it was very rough to say the least. Send her our love and we will keep her in our prayers. Great report on little man. That's awesome. His belly really does look good. Way to go mama ! Take care you Binghams. Lots of love from the Nessers

  2. Please let Lindsey know that this hits home for Ashlyn. She has struggled for years to have a consistent friend... Not frenemies๐Ÿ˜Š. Anyway, she adores you and even though she lives here in Enterprise, she talks about you ALL THE TIME!!!! No one is allowed to even "touch" her basketball from Pine Eagle bball camp that YOU signed. It is so very special to her! We will pray for a good friend to rise up, and maybe you can pray for Ashy to get one as well? I keep telling her that one day, she will marry her #bestfriend in the temple๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•. Love your amazing family, The Gray's

  3. Thanks for the update and so grateful to hear things ate going well for your family with the exception of Lindsey. We keep your family in our prayers and I keep our family up to date as I read your updates. My boys will be so happy to hear this update And we will pray for sweet Lindsey and our heavenly father to bring her a dear friend can be sO mean and watching our kiddos suffer especially at the hands of others is terrible. I can't imagine how hard it would be to move there and all of the challenges that come with that alone. You are all so so brave And continue to be am example to our family of how to handle difficulties on so many levels. You are all rock stars in our book and we would love to send something that might brighten Lindseys day. Could u pm your address please and through all of this you are such an inspiration to so many.Good bless and may you enjoy your adventure in cali :-)

  4. Thanks for the update and so grateful to hear things ate going well for your family with the exception of Lindsey. We keep your family in our prayers and I keep our family up to date as I read your updates. My boys will be so happy to hear this update And we will pray for sweet Lindsey and our heavenly father to bring her a dear friend can be sO mean and watching our kiddos suffer especially at the hands of others is terrible. I can't imagine how hard it would be to move there and all of the challenges that come with that alone. You are all so so brave And continue to be am example to our family of how to handle difficulties on so many levels. You are all rock stars in our book and we would love to send something that might brighten Lindseys day. Could u pm your address please and through all of this you are such an inspiration to so many.Good bless and may you enjoy your adventure in cali :-)

  5. Just finished watching you on dateline! ya'll are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story!


  6. Praying for your family. Especially Lindsey today. My brother has three boys (ages 13, 9, 5). Every night before bed he prays with them. He then tells them he wants each of them to find a child at recess or lunch that doesn't have someone to play with. He encourages them to play with that child. He has his boys report back to him at the end of the day who they chose and why. I love that! It's can be so mean. Especially girls. Praying hard.....

  7. Those "mean girls" are missing out by not getting to know Lindsey. She is a charmer and I have NO doubt she will find great friends there and that when she does, they will have been worth the wait.

  8. Thinking about all of you, especially Miss Lindsey. Darn girls! Lots of love and prayers from the Fritzes!
