Monday, February 29, 2016

Day 111, Feb 28 Thoughts from the air

Flying back to Calif

Jason here.  Things are continuing to go well, never perfect but very well.  It is always a hard week for all of us when I go home for work.  Since tax season started, I have been spending a week in Oregon, then a week in Calif.  I’m very grateful to be heading back to spend some time with the wife and kids.  Gage is still stable and strong and ready for the ‘big day’.   As usual, he had his weekly clinic visit with the doctors.   Couple of small items to note. First, his aortic valve is leaking.  Not sure exactly what that means, but the team doesn’t seem too concerned (at least not in front of us). Then have again increased his Lasix to twice a day to pull some of the fluid off and see if that helps.  Second, he has had some small runs of V tach, or irregular heartbeats.  Again they are not too concerned but continue to watch and monitor him closely. 

His spirits seem to be up and is pretty active (sometimes too active, ie fighting with his brother).  They reminded us he is still full of metal and needs to be careful, especially when he is feeling good.  Stacy is doing a great job of monitoring, and tending to his daily needs of dressing changes, feeding tube, fluid intake, bathing, exercise, schooling and medicine.  It’s no secret, I really have a great wife and mother of my children.

All the other kids are doing their thang. Sierra is hangin’ out with some new friends and doing LOTS of home work.  Megan has practiced with the varsity basketball team all week and got the play the last 56 seconds of a varsity game.  They have their tournament this week so it will be fun to support her in that.  We all doubt she will play much, but this will be a great experience for her to run with the big dogs.

Lindsey is starting to have better experience at school.  Junior high can be challenging, and this is no different for our little princess.  Hunter is Hunter, what can I say.  We have him on a little league team, and that seems to be good for him. As I have said before, he needs or rather we ALL need something constructive for him to do.  If not, be digs a hole for himself pretty quick. 

I am pretty focused on these trips to Oregon.  I am home for one reason.  Get as much good quality work done as possible so I can get back to my family.  I have some great clients, and I work hard to make sure they are taken care of, or at least their finances / taxes.  Our vicious man-eating guard dog, Axelrod, is there protecting the home front and waiting for me to return and throw a stick for him.  When I pull up to the house and open the car door, he just lays his head on my leg and wants me to pet him…. Then throw him a stick!    In California, I am able to work in an office, just not the long intense hours.  More like ‘normal’ non-tax season hours.  Thus I go back and forth to balance it all out.  Honestly, I hate being home by myself, but this is the best way to make it all work.  The office and clients are good to work with me.      

With these trips back and forth, people from our church take turns giving me rides to the airport.  I have really enjoyed the rides and have had great visits each time.  It is very relaxing as I prepare to return to the ‘other’ life whether it is to Oregon or Calif. 

Today was quite an emotional day for me.  At our church in Oregon, I have been serving as a counselor to our Bishop, (the leader of our local congregation, Tom Isaacson).  It is usually a 4-5 year calling.  I was put in back in May of 2015 about a month before Sierra had her 2nd transplant.  With her 3 month recovery and Gage getting sick in November, I have not been able to assist our good bishop and our congregation, as I have wanted and needed to.   As Gage’s saga has progressed, and with the kids involved in the Calif schools, it came to the point that I need to be there more.  Today was the day I was released as a counselor, with Kevin Bradford taking my position.  I have really enjoyed this calling but we all knew it was the right thing to do, the ONLY thing to do.  It was just tough to let it go.   Sitting up on the stand, I looked over at my cousin Hilary as I was being released and all my emotions caught up with me.  It’s not the fact of just being released; it was why I am being released.  We are now living in Calif supporting our youngest child as he waits for a lifesaving heart transplant.  No matter how bad I want to be in Oregon with my little family, this is what needs to happen.  Axelrod will just have to wait for a week or so for us to throw him a stick.  Until then he (and my good parents) will continue to guard the home.  Please understand, I am not doom and gloom, it was just hard to say good bye for now to our good and very supportive church group in Oregon. 

On a brighter note, I need to make a formal announcement.  Back in November I asked Gage (and the other kids) if I should grow out my chin hair until transplant.  Overwhelming response was NO, not that nasty chin hair!  But they did want me to grow out my head hair.  So if you notice my hair getting a bit wavy with an extra glob of hair jell, now you know.  My goal is to have hair like Prince Charming off of Shrek.  So, since November 10, 2015 I have not nor will not cut my hair until Gage’s transplant.  I’m pretty sure my wife likes to run her fingers though my wavy hair, she just hasn’t had a chance to yet.   Hopefully I won’t need to do the man-bun thing, but we will have to see.

Getting close to landing, till next time… Jason

Axelrod ready for action...and wants me o throw a stick

Our good friend, the Stockwells from Alaska

I guess Hunter did Stacy's hair for church.  He was so proud of it, he wanted a picture.


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