Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 15.

Jason here.  It has been a while since I checked in.
Gage has shown real improvement lately.  He is gaining good weight, up to about 46 lbs which is 7 lbs heavier than when he was released from the hospital back in December. He is actually asking for, eating, and not throwing up breakfast.  That is a big deal, he has done any one of those three things but never at the same time.  He is back in school and loves to fight with his older siblings.  As Stacy said in earlier posts, he is back to status 1A meaning he is on the high priority list and can accept an offer if/when one becomes available.

Stacy works hard at monitoring and tending to Gage's needs.  He gets showers and dressing changes 3 times a week. Sometimes the dressing changes can be quite an ordeal.  It can be very painful to Gage, so sometimes he does NOT hold still.  Stacy has to keep a sterile environment so it gets a little exciting when Gage thrashes around.  I think those two have finally come to an agreement on how to do the dressing changes.

Stacy also monitors Gage's fluid very closely.  He gets 500 ml per night on the feeding tube, and another 1000-1200 by mouth every day.  Some days we really have to push Aurelius to get the fluids it him.  If we push to much, it can backfire. Literately, backfire...it all comes back up.  So there is a balance there.  Gage also has blood draws and clinic weekly or sooner if anything seems out of place.

Having said all this the rest of the kids are involved in everything kids do.  Sierra is working through
school, struggling in some classes, but getting through it.  Megan is loving basketball.  That has been really good for her and us as family to go watch.

Lindsey is in the same boat as Sierra, working through school, but also very challenged in some classes.  Yesterday was her 3 year anniversary for her heart transplant.  She has done really well with her heart and has checkups every 3 months.  It has been neat to reflect to the exciting times 3 years ago as she was going through her life changing experience.

Hunter is playing little league.  He REALLY needs something to do, if he doesn't have something constructive to do, he finds something destructive to do.

Stacy has very little time for herself.  Some days can be very stressful for her, especially if Gage is having an off day (which do and still will happen).  I feel bad and wish there was more I could do to help.

I am very busy in tax season.  I am working out of an office here in Palo Alto, but also going home to Oregon to work.  Right now I am spending a week in Calif, then a week in Oregon.  That seems to be working for appointments and workload.  It is a strange feeling when I go back home to Oregon to work.  It is hard to relax at home.  I am there for one reason, and that is to work as hard as can, so I can get back to my family in Oregon.  The house is nice, but very big and quite.  Axelrod (our dog) is being fed and cared for by my parents, but always loves it when I come home and throw a stick for him.  Someday it will be our home again, but not yet.
Also, someday, Stacy and I will leave all this and go on a vacation far far away....but not yet.

Today was my first day back from Oregon.  The kids did not have school, so I also took the day off.  I know how busy I am, but ya know, I needed a little family time.  We rode bikes and walked up around the Dish.  I also played a lot of baseball with Hunter to help him get ready for the Palo Alto Little League. It was a very nice warm day with all the family.

Last of all I wanted to give a very sincere thank you to the people from back home and from all over the country who have sent us cards, comments, support, prayers and care packages.  We have read each comment and card, and are very grateful for the good people out there.  Many of these people we will never have the chance to meet, but many of the letters and comments have really lifted us up. Thank you.

Tuesday we have clinic, phyiscal therapy, and blood draws for Sierra and Gage.  Megan has a game this evening, kids have school and homework, and I have work (of course).  It's ALL good. We are blessed, busy and wouldn't want it any other way.  Till next time.

Below are a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks I have had on my phone.

The Hawaiian family.  Awesome fun loving family, along with our good friend Alex and Ronda.
Down by the creek behind the RMH.
This would have driven my Mother NUTS to see this!

Stacy took the kids to Santa Cruz last Friday.  They had a good time at the beach.

The new RMH (next door) is getting close. They say families could be moving in first of May.  Stacy and the kids toured the place. I haven't seen it yet.

Stacy and the kids went to Sophia's place.  Her foster parents have a nice place with the Atari arcade and swimming pool.  Hunter found out the water was NOT as warm as previously thought.  But the hot tub was nice.

Pictures from our bike ride on Monday.

Walking up by the dish.


  1. You guys are amazing and never far from our thoughts or prayers.

  2. Continued blessings and good health to all! Love and Aloha from Oregon.

  3. Love and prayers from Central NY! Jen

  4. What a beautiful and amazing family. Love, prayers and blessings to you all. I will keep you all in my daily prayers.
