Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Another Day

Yesterday, Gage had a routine CT scan.  The doctors wanted to look and see where his brain bleed was at, to see if they could start weaning him off of his anti seizure medication.  One less pill he would have to take.  We haven't heard the results yet, but he hasn't shown any symptoms of any kind since his seizure way back in November.  

Today, Gage had physical therapy and clinic.  We were hoping they would say he was good to go back to school, but no such luck.  He hasn't had a fever in almost a week.  He still has some diarrhea, and vomits whenever we are really trying to push his fluids.  Before he got sick, he was supposed to drink 900 mL a day with 500 mL of Peptamin Junior at night through his NG tube.  When he was sick, he got dehydrated really quickly.  So, they upped his fluid level to 2 L a day from 1400 mL.  For now, during the day, he has Pedialyte going through his NG tube. He also has to drink another 900 mL on top of that with the 500 mL of Peptamin Junior at night.  It is impossible for him to get this much in and he ends up vomiting.  Luckily today in clinic, they agreed with me and decided to give him all that he could handle and not push it.  His appetite is SLOWLY coming back and his cough and runny nose are almost gone.  They want to wait until next Wednesday (the 10th) to swab his nose and if he is negative for influenza, then he can go back to school.  So, we have a week we get to do school work from the RMH.

It is great to all be back together.  Jason is back and jumped right into the swing of things.  Don't know what we would do without him.  It is busy around this area right now, as the Denver Broncos are practicing for the Super Bowl, at the Stanford Stadium (just down the street from us).  There are emails going out from the high school stating that if you come to the school to drop off your child, you will be ID'd to make sure you are okay to be there (not a spectator).  An experience I never thought I would have.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are all together. Hang in there this week Gage! We sure do love and pray for you.
