Monday, February 8, 2016

Still No School

Gage had a great week last week.  We stopped running the Pedialyte and he is able to take in what he supposed to by mouth.  He is in great spirits and definitely ready to go back to school.  They didn't want to swab him until Wednesday, but I begged them to do it today to see if he could at least get one day of school in this week.  This is the 3rd week he has been out of school since getting sick.  Way too much time. The kids don't have school Thursday-Monday for Presidents Day. So, already his school week would be cut short.  We won't heart the results back of that until tomorrow.  As far as the results of his CT scan, the doctors said it looks like it is resolving.  In just a couple more days, he will be off his anti seizure medicine.  He was really excited about that.  Gage will have clinic on Wednesday, but so far appears he is getting back to his "stable" self.

It appears, it is Sierra's turn for the cough and congestion crud.  She started feeling a little "tickle" in her throat on Friday and it has turned into a wonderful cold.  She is pretty tough and is hanging in there.  Jason returned home to Oregon to get a bunch of work done on.  With everyone flying "in" for the Superbowl, it made the "out" tickets pretty cheap.  He will return on Sunday to celebrate Lindsey's 3 year anniversary of her transplant.  Megan is doing well in basketball, their team lost one of 3 games this week.  She is talking about playing softball when she is done with basketball season. We just signed Hunter up for Little League.  He is one that acts his best when he has something to do.  He is very excited to play.  His first practice will be the 15th of February.  The weather is a little different here than Oregon.  It has been absolutely beautiful and sunny with highs in the low 70's.  I think I can get used to baseball season here.

We continue to get cards and donations from people all over the United States.  We are so humbled and in awe at the generosity of so many people.  It is just crazy and comforting to realize that there are still wonderful people everywhere! Thank you to so many who have given us donations or cards and letters of encouragement.  We are so blessed!

Gage is enjoying the warm weather.  He decided his dad might have to bring him shorts back from Oregon. 

Lindsey and Hunter enjoying the Super Bowl their way.  Having fun at our friends Jed and Gayle Blacks.  Some really neat friends we have here, 


  1. Maggy D. Chilliwack BC, CanadaFebruary 9, 2016 at 12:57 AM

    Hello family Bingham.

    I just saw NBC's dateline on YouTube about your journey and was looking on the web for an update. Unfortunately I have to undergo a tricky surgery myself in a few days and am getting ready for it. The energy of preparing for a potentially deadly outcome is reality, but what a comfort we have in Jesus during these difficult times! I can only imagine the intensity during moments of weakness you surely have when all we can do is look up and surrender it all to our Father in Heaven.

    But dear family; what an amazing outlook to know that one day we will all jump full of joy with a perfect body and a never-ending heartbeat up in heaven! To have the Lord himself erase our tears and replace them with eternal praise and worship. No more nights....
    May the grace of the Lord touch and renew your spirit each and every day!

  2. Actually, your weather sounds like our weather here in Oregon right now. Even the coast has been in the 60's and 70's. Feels odd, but we're loving it. 😀

  3. Hello Bingham family,
    I watched your story on dateline when it came out and I was very inspired. I started keeping up with your blog recently and it is truly amazing to hear what you go through everyday with such strength. I really am praying for your family and all those other families out there who go through similar struggles. I hope Gage will get a heart one day soon and I also pray for the family who gives up their loved one for it. Continue doing what you are doing for your children and goodness and love will come your way :)
