Saturday, January 30, 2016

He is Out

Gage was able to get out of the hospital yesterday.  We all couldn't be happier.  I was pleasantly surprised.  We had a wonderful nurse practitioner who was questioning everything I was questioning.  Such as, "What are we doing for Gage in the hospital that they couldn't be doing at home." The doctors himmmd and hummmed and decided to check in with him in afternoon rounds, around 4.  Inside my anxiety level was shooting through the roof, as Megan had a game that started at 3:15 and I was already making my plan to pick kids up and get them to Megan's game.  Throw rounds and a discharge in the middle of that, and I couldn't figure out how to pull that off.  

Bambi, our wonderful nurse practitioner, walked in his room at 1:00 and said discharge orders were in and we could leave within the hour.  She wanted to make sure we were out before the kids started getting home from school.  It was all I could do to not hug her and give her a big kiss on her cheek! Our prayers were answered.  We were able to make it to Megans game (all of us) and then lay low the rest of the night.  Gage continually wears his mask.  He is by no means  "over" his influenza.  He has a horrible cough that gets worse at night.  It just makes my ribs ache listening to him cough. He is able to drink (with A LOT of encouragement) and holds it down.  He tolerated his 500 mL of feeds at night without throwing it up, while in the hospital.  However, this morning was not the same story. He ended up vomiting quite a lot of his feeds along with his feeding tube.  So, we are not there yet, but he does act great and normal during the day with "a little" cough.   I am not going to post how the other kids are doing, because I don't want to jinx myself again.  I have gotten a runny nose and cough and get to sport a mask as well.  By no means as bad as Gage.  I am so glad we got the flu shot.  The doctors were expecting it to be a lot worse.  They said probably because of the flu shot it wasn't as bad.  Sierra and Lindsey have both been started on Tamiflu for precautionary measures.  

Jason returns late tomorrow, and we are all very excited for his return.  All should be back to normal by the time he gets here.  Megan won her game and did very well.  She scored 19 of the 59 points.  Thank you for all your prayers and help through this week!

Gage "outside" of the hospital waiting for the shuttle.  I didn't drive over because I wasn't expecting to go home.

Hunter and Gage got some Stanford hats from Bingo the other night at the playroom.  Hunter feels pretty grown up with his hat on.  He is quite the "cool cat."

Gage and I waiting for the shuttle.

Hunter, Lindsey and Gage playing basketball at half time of Megan's game.  You can see the score was tied 25 - 25.  Good game to watch.


  1. So glad Gage is home! Hoping he feels better and his nausea improves. Thanks again for the update. Sending prayers from Central NY. Jennifer

  2. Kudos to that nurse! - for being tuned into the whole situation, asking questions, using common sense, and moving the situation along. So glad you avoided logistical difficulties and got to see the game as a family. I am humbled by your situation, awed by your handling of it and praying for good health for all of you.

  3. I just had a moment to watch your dateline special. God bless you Stacy and your husband. I am absolutely in awe of your strength and resiliency. You have a beautiful family. I will be adding you to my prayer list; even though you have been very blessed, I am hopeful my prayers assist. Much respect & love to you and your family.

  4. I just had a moment to watch your dateline special. God bless you Stacy and your husband. I am absolutely in awe of your strength and resiliency. You have a beautiful family. I will be adding you to my prayer list; even though you have been very blessed, I am hopeful my prayers assist. Much respect & love to you and your family.

  5. We just watched Dateline and are so touched by your families resilience and love! We will be making a donation to help with your situation. Stacy and Jason, I hope you know how special you both are. We are touched by you and your beautiful family. Blessings from the Thomas family in Washington state.❤️

  6. Glad to hear Gage is outta there! Loving his Vogmask! Owen has so many now..we love them. I don't know how you do it all. Keeping your family in our prayers!

  7. I Pray for you and your family and am amazed at the strength, positive and hope everyday that you endure! I will keep praying that you are finally free from all of this and can move forward with your lives! God Bless You ALL!!!
