Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday evening, Windy and the bear

We are all here, revved up, and ready to go.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for the kids here in Calif.  They are all a bit nervous, excited, and anxious all rolled up into 5 wound up kids.
I drove back from Oregon on New Years Eve with the kids and have had a few good days together before school starts.  It was really nice having Stacy's Mom and Randy here.  They drove over just to spend a few days with us. Very kind of them.

Gage has thrown up twice over the last few days.  There has been a logical explanation each time, so we are not to concerned, nevertheless, the team at LPCH knows best and has given us instruction.  Last night was a tough one. He threw up his feeding tube after gagging on his pills.  We wanted to leave the tube out to give his tummy a rest, but the doctors felt otherwise.  They said he needed the tube back in and the feeds started to keep his fluids balanced for his HeartWare.  So around midnight, Stacy woke Aurelius up for the exciting news.  He was NOT excited, he thought Mommy was bringing him in to cuddle!  It took 3 tries, a lot of convincing, few really good loud fits, and Poweraid to chase tube down.

It reminded me of my Dad many years ago.  There was a day in late September he talked his faithful horse Windy into doing something very challenging and difficult.  We were deep in Fence Creek where they had shot big black bear and needed his horse (Windy) to pack the bear out.  He spent a considerable amount of time speaking sweet nothings to her and giving his personal assurance the dead bear would not harm her.  They finally loaded the bear and headed up the steep brushy canyon.   Half way up the canyon, one of the large bear paws shook loose and raked across Windy's rump.  The faithful mare did NOT appreciate that and proceeded to 'tenderize' the bear as she kicked and bucked the bear off it's back.   Once they finally caught Windy and calmed the horse down (which was no small feat) Dad, with all his patience, took a good 45 minutes to once again convince Windy to allow this crazy bear back onto her back. This time it worked, with wide eyes and a skip in her step, Windy finished packing the black bear out.  It was quite a memorable event.  This time, the bear was the feeding tube!  

Speaking of the HeartWare and ole' blackwood, we all seem to be in the groove.  He wears the backpack, we change the batteries, and he keeps on going.

Tomorrow, Sierra and Megan have more school registration, Hunter heads off the Nixon, Lindsey rides off to Jordan, Gage has blood draw, clinic, physical therapy, and hospital school, Megan has late practice, Stacy runs the show, and I might work or just do what I am told.  It's all good!!
This is a picture of Windy's son, Sham, and some of the country we know and love.  Windy passed away many years ago.

 While home, we slept down by the fireplace each night.  It was warm and fun to 'camp out'.

 Lindsey also had her 12 year old birthday party. 
Erin Thompson did a great job with the MaryKay party.

 Lindsey's fun crew of friends and cousins.

 Sierra did a great job with the cake and making Lindsey feel special.
 How's that for tasty.  That is the drive line between Blackwood and the HeartWare.
 Saturday night the RMH gave us tickets to the Stanford / Utah basketball game. It wasn't Utah State, but close enough to have a dang good time.  Gage asked why I wasn't yelling as loud as I did at the Aggie games.  Good question!!

The game went into overtime, we Gage, Hunter, Lindsey and I went down close to the court.  It was dang fun. 

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