Monday, January 4, 2016

Gage's evening

So the 'Man-of-Steel' had a rough evening. Everything was fine, he was just whining. He hadn't drank enough fluids so Stacy was pushing more milk on him, he was also due to take a shower and get his dressing changed.  He was tired and cranky, and didn't want to do any of the above.  Thus the whining, 'I don't want to do it'.  While Stacy was stripping him down and preparing Blackwood for the shower, the whining escalated.  Finally, I had had enough of it!
"Gage, knock it off! Your whining is driving me nuts."
Then with a nice peaceful voice, he calmly looked at me and said, "Well then Dad, shut thee door".  Then he went back to whining.
Shower is now over, feeding tube is pumping goodies into his belly, and the dressing has been changed. All the kids are asleep and it is peaceful here at the RMH.

Hunter and Lindsey did well on their first day of school.   They both made new friends. Hunter brought home a recorder and filled the RMH with beautiful music that only a 4th grader can provide. (Now that I think about it, that is when the whining started)

Sierra and Megan start early morning seminary and high school tomorrow, and Megan has her first basketball game. Exciting times ahead.


  1. Thinking of you all. Whining is normal here and would think something is wrong if it wasn't happening. Lol

  2. Missing those cute faces! Glad they had a good first day. Hang in there Dad and Mom. You guys are definitely gladiators as well dealing with all this. Always in our prayers, love the Nessers

  3. Missing those cute faces! Glad they had a good first day. Hang in there Dad and Mom. You guys are definitely gladiators as well dealing with all this. Always in our prayers, love the Nessers

  4. I am glad to hear you now have a recorder in your apartment! Love you all!
