Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday morning, Dateline show

We heard from the producer of the Dateline show, Sandy Cummings. They have been following our crazy story and are getting close on a second show.  The second show will air January 17 (a week from today) at 10 pm Pacific, 9 pm Mountain, and 7 pm Central and Eastern. The reason for the late showing is some political debate somewhere...go figure. The show will recount many of the events from before with additional events since then.  She says it is coming together really well.

We made it through our first week of school. Sierra and Megan are going to PALY and meeting new friends.  Their class schedules are different every day. On Mondays the classes are 45 minutes long, Tuesday through Friday they are every other day and 90 minutes long.  I give them a ride to seminary at 6:40, they then walk home after school around 3:30.

Megan had 3 JV games this week and did pretty well. Lost to Los Galtos, won against rival Gunn, and won against Los Altos. She plays point guard and gets quite a bit of playing time.

Lindsey is getting the hang of Jordan middle school.  We drove her there a few times when it was raining, but now Lindsey and I ride bikes there.  It is actually very enjoyable.  It is a 25 minute bike ride across several busy intersections.  She is definitely NOT embarrassed to be seen riding her bike with her Dad.  Once she gets more comfortable with the situation, maybe she will be embarrassed being seen with her Dad, but not yet.

Hunter is loving Nixon Elementary, he will be doing a basketball club activity on Wednesday's.  He is the kid that needs something to do!

And finally Gage. He is marching along slowly improving.  Thank goodness there is not much to report. Stacy takes him to hospital school and Blackwood keeps on pumping.  He has put on some good weight and his personality is back with all it's glory. He has clinic and labs tomorrow.  Stacy and I feel he is getting close to being put back on the active list.  Since November 15, he has been a Status 7, meaning he is still accruing time, but if a heart became available, he would not accept it. Once he goes on the active list (as status 1A), he will be 62 days into the waiting period.  He just seems he is more stable and getting close to being ready for transplant.  The doctors may feel differently, and may want to wait a few more weeks or more.

Nice to see Kade and Stephanie Thomas this week.  Tristin had biopsy and clinic and got a zero.  She is walking and seems to be doing very well.

The Gunn game was pretty exciting.  Since PALY's gym is under construction, they have been using rival Gunn's high school as their home gym. Apparently it is huge rivalry, so when PALY has a 'home' game at Gunn against Gunn there was plenty of energy at the game.  The varsity boys was crazy, the crowd and both student sections were really into it.  Megan sat with some of her teammates and got into the student section chants.  PALY even did the 'We Believe' chear. No, I did not lead them in it, but the thought did cross my mind.

Good story.  On Sierra's first day in Algebra, she found the class and quietly selected a seat. As class was starting and she was observing the cute new surroundings, a good friend of her's sitting across the room raised her hand and loudly asked the teacher, "Teacher, can Sierra come sit by me? She look uncomfortable."  The teacher said it was okay, so Sierra quietly picked up her stuff, and kept her head down as she moved across the room to sit by her friend. What a good friend for Sierra!

That is it for now,  time to get to church.
 Aurelius and his Legos
Megan and her home work.
Mom trying to keep the kids quite as Megan does her home work.
Not sure it is working to well.
Lindsey's first trip to Jordan.

The student section at the Gunn / Paly home game.  Megan is in there above the guy walking with red pants.  I was at the opposite corner taking tickets.

 Sierra and some of her new RMH friends, Nathan and Jeremy.
These are some new friends we met here at the RMH.  Their little sister is waiting for a heart and kidney transplant. They are from Hawaii and a ton of fun to hang around.  Megan, Hunter and I played a little ball with them last night.   I may have had a bit of trouble boxing Daniel out, the 18 year old in red.


  1. Way to go and beat Gunn Megan!!!! This is very important as you have learned. ;-). Go Paly!!!

    Keep up the great work Gage and the rest of the Bingham crew!!!

  2. Everyone looks great and seems to be settling in great. Thanks for the updates.

  3. I love your family and have really enjoyed getting to "know" them through the blog. I wish we didn't live so far away so that my kids could know your kids. I'm really excited for the Dateline show so that Thomas and Allie can see exactly who we are praying for! One time probably a year ago when you all were starting school I was looking at the blog and Thomas came over. He saw Gage and got all excited and was like, "Who's that?" I told him, "oh that is your cousin Gage" and he said, "I love him!" I'm sure Thomas and Gage would get along well, probably a little too well :) Hoping you all have a great week!

  4. A lot of good news here -- so glad!

  5. Good to hear all is progressing along. Prayers to all of you

  6. Your story has touched my families heart. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  7. I just watched your story on Dateline and with tears streaming down my face realized that you taught me something today. Your faith and positive attitude in the face off all you have to go through is amazing to watch and helped me to put my life and my problems in perspective. I will be praying for healing for your whole family. God Bless!
