Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Years Eve

Jason and 3 of the kids went home to Oregon on Sunday. He took Hunter,  Sierra and Lindsey with him. Megan had basketball practice here in California, so she stayed. Lindsey was able to have her birthday party she was wanting at home. She turned 12 on Tuesday. When Sierra and Megan turned 12, they got to have their friends over for a Mary Kay facial party. They were then allowed to wear makeup. Lindsey has been looking forward to her turn for this party. We weren't quite sure how it was going to work here in California. We were able to throw together a party at the last minute. Sierra made her a cake and all her friends and cousins were able to be there with her. I was really sad to miss it, but Sierra did a great job of making sure Lindsey had a great day.

Jason was able to get work done that he needed to, so he can be here to help me with the kids going back to school next week. This trip worked out great. Jason was able to take all our Christmas decorations back to Oregon and bring back things the kids forgot or needed before Monday. Unfortunately,  he got a flat tire on the way home and is on his way back to California with another flat tire. He said they are getting pretty good at changing tires on the suburban.

Gage had clinic on Monday. His labs are looking better and better. Meaning that his body seems to be returning to a stable spot. He is still a little anemic but they are not to concerned. He still doesn't eat a lot and his stomach still hurts if he tries to eat too much. But, he seems to be stable. He is putting  on weight, with the help of his feeds and the little bit he eats during the day.

Last night grandma and grandpa Coleman came to spend New Years with us.  Today we went to the city and had a wonderful day. Hope you all have a Happy New Year! ! Here's to a healthier 2016!

 Gage won this paint set at bingo the other night, he was very focused when working on it. He wanted it to be "perfect".

At Ghirardelli square with grandma and grandpa Coleman. 

 Gage showing his strength off pulling up 22lb buckets with different pulleys. Apparently a little to much for him as he threw up shortly after.

 Gage liked this pirate and wanted his picture taken with it. Feeling better after vomiting.

 A beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge from China beach.


  1. Happy New Year Bingham family! Thanks again for the update. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy New Year. If those are your parents, they look like movie stars! Love and prayers for. Central New York.

  2. Happy New Year. Glad you got to have a great Christmas and NY. Blessings for 2016
