Monday, January 18, 2016

After Dateline

Stacy here.   We are humbled by the out pour of support and love from people that watched the show, especially the complete strangers that wanted to reach out and help or share their kind words of love, support, prayers and experiences.  Thank you everyone!! It really means a lot to us.  We don't take that lightly! We are in awe at the workings of Sandy Cummings, the producer of the Dateline show.  She did a great job in behalf of our family.

It was interesting and heart wrenching to watch Gage's reaction to the story.  He has seen the first Dateline episode.  But, for this one, his emotions were very close to the surface.  He was crying right at the beginning when he saw the pictures of Lindsey after her surgery.  He said that he was scared and didn't want to have to get a new heart.  He especially wasn't looking forward to a breathing tube and his chest being cut open again.  He ended up sobbing through the whole thing.  It didn't matter what we said to him.  These last 2 surgeries he had are still very fresh on his mind for him to forget.  I have a feeling he will be ready when the time comes, but not tonight.

The other kids were laughing at all the embarrassing parts and crying through others.  I'm not sure who that family was, but I feel for them.  Certainly our life can't be that traumatic. Again, thank you to all who support us and watched it.  Sandy you did a great job and worked your magic.  It is always fun to see what footage you decide to use and how you put it all together.

Our heart continues to go out to Nicholas' family.  What a special experience that was to meet them.

As our story continues, Jason flies home Thursday for 10 days to get more work done. But before he leaves, Sierra has clinic, Lindsey has biopsy, Gage has clinic, Megan has a basketball game, and the kids all have school.  Hopefully this all goes well.

 Taken during one of the commercial breaks.  We were trying to cheer him up, but it didn't work.

 Took a walk up to the 'Dish' above Stanford. Gage did really well, walked for about 1/2 of it.


  1. I came across your blog around the time Sierra was being discharged after her second transplant. I am in awe of all that you are going through; it is heart wrenching. I only know a tiny bit what it is like; my grandson left us unexpectedly before he even had a chance at transplant. I will continue to follow your blog and pray for your family.

  2. My heart goes out to you are your family. My son was diagnosed at birth with a congenital heart defect. We had no idea what we were dealing with. He had had numerous procedures ( to many to count) and 2 open heart surgeries. Everything was going well and then the shoe dropped and our healthy beautiful daughter was diagnosed with restricted cardiomyopathy. We were devastated. She is doing well on medication but e know our children will one day face a transplant if their bodies allow it. Our son is in heart failure and our daughter is holding her own on medications. When I watched the show I know that feeling of holding your breathe at every appointment. Wondering if today is the day the are admitted and listed. My heart goes out to you all and your beautiful children. Cardiomyopathy is so scary and we live in the moment now. Never taking time for granted. Many hugs to you all!

  3. Dateline is my favorite...I, too am in awe of the producer, and I also saw the first episode...what a terrific job they did. Your children are precious and brave. Your strength and courage are an inspiration...continued 🙏🙏🙏.

  4. Jason and Stacy, I saw the Dateline episode last night and tried hard to suck back the tears throughout (I didn't do a very good job). When it was over I got on my knees and poured out my heart to our Heavenly Father for you and your children. Thank you for your strength and examples of faith and endurance! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  5. Hi Stacey and Jason
    You are so strong an your children as well. I just wanted to let you know my husband an I are preying for your family. We both were watching your story on dateline an it amazing, and brought tears in our eyes an thought it was amazing for your family to let them into your lives for our people to understand how different people lives are so thank you an your amazing family....

  6. Thank you, Stacy and Jason, for sharing your strength and hope with the world and allowing me to be a part of telling your story. I'm in awe of your grace and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your family. Thank you for trusting me. I hope Gage is feeling better today and know Lindsey and Sierra are great examples of how great he'll feel after he gets a new heart. And Meghan and Hunter are great cheerleaders for him. So glad you are feeling the love from the people whose lives you touched. Take a look at the Dateline NBC Facebook page. Many comments on several posts.

    1. Sandy, thank you for sharing with the world this journey that my friends are on. The Binghams are some of the most wonderful people I have ever know. They have always been there to help others including me on several occassions. To see them go through this, including their dear children, breaks my heart. Thank you for such a wonderful, authentic story. It really showed who they are. It's rare to see a news show do that and you were spot on.

  7. Thank you, Stacy and Jason, for sharing your strength and hope with the world and allowing me to be a part of telling your story. I'm in awe of your grace and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your family. Thank you for trusting me. I hope Gage is feeling better today and know Lindsey and Sierra are great examples of how great he'll feel after he gets a new heart. And Meghan and Hunter are great cheerleaders for him. So glad you are feeling the love from the people whose lives you touched. Take a look at the Dateline NBC Facebook page. Many comments on several posts.

  8. Prayers for your beautiful family! What a remarkable journey you're on and from watching last night, your entire family exemplifies what faith and hope can do to buoy you through such a tough situation. Thank you for being strong examples for others in your shoes! Our daughter was born with a severe heart defect and has undergone 9 surgeries. I cried throughout the dateline special last night as she may need a transplant in her future as well. Our families have so much in common, I was raised on a cattle ranch, my older brother actually runs cattle in La Grande so not too far from where you folks are! We too have 5 children, close to your children's ages, so I can empathize in many ways how your family is juggling this stay at LPCH and trying to maintain a living at home. Please know you are prayed for and thank you for graciously sharing your story. I believe HE is using your family to glorify His kingdom here on earth. God's blessings to you all!!!

    1. Katie I am so glad you watched this Dateline. Jason was my neighbor growing up. His younger brother Justin was in my class. I often think of both your families and follow both your blogs. I am always in such awe of how strong your heart kiddos are and both families.
      Kara Gover Johnson

  9. Stacy although I didn't get to watch the episode I follow your posts and appreciate the updates do we can keep on praying for you and your family. My sweet boys remember Gage every night and day in their prayers which makes me proud they are compassionateto your trials. We are inspired by your strength as we read your updates and proud to be members of our wonderful loving church full of so many prayer warriors. We love you guys and pray for needs to be met and for continued strength and bravery.may God bless you and yours.the Henry's

  10. Stacy although I didn't get to watch the episode I follow your posts and appreciate the updates do we can keep on praying for you and your family. My sweet boys remember Gage every night and day in their prayers which makes me proud they are compassionateto your trials. We are inspired by your strength as we read your updates and proud to be members of our wonderful loving church full of so many prayer warriors. We love you guys and pray for needs to be met and for continued strength and bravery.may God bless you and yours.the Henry's

  11. It was an awesome show. And I did not know Stacy was a nurse. Somehow thru this all I missed that and keep thinking she is so awesome to be able to do all those things with all that equipment. Then wow she is a nurse. Isn't God awesome he knew this mom was going to need that special talent. The show was so we'll put together and we are praying for your family. You are an inspiration to more people than you know. And your strength with each other shows. God bless you and your family, love from N.P.

  12. Oh, poor Gage! Jason and Stacy, I loved watching you and your family on Dateline. (And I enjoyed seeing a little bit of Eastern Oregon in there too -- I miss it!) My thoughts and prayers are so much with you.
    Love, Pam (Olsen) Whitmore

  13. Well guys......I can't find the words. But tell Mr. Gage Aurelius, Strong and Courageous, when his heart comes, we will all pray him through his fears.

  14. God bless your family. You have such courage & grace. I was in tears during much of the show. I am so sorry Gage took it so hard. He is so so young. I will keep you in my prayers and hope to read that Gage gets his new heart and you're all able to go home soon!

  15. I was so touched by your story. Your love for each other is obvious. Even in the midst of such adversity, you are doing everything you can to give your children a joy-filled childhood and it was beautiful to see. Only one of our seven children has a health condition (lung disease) and so I cannot compare at all but I could relate to the feeling of needing to triage (five of our kids have special needs) and you did it with such strength and courage, but most of all, love. Thank you for being willing to share your story. It has blessed me today and I will hug my kids a bit longer because of it.

    I am praying for your family and for Nicolas' family and the families of the other donors.

  16. Thank you for sharing your story. It brought me to tears. 13 years ago I donated my daughters heart. She lived to be 2 months and 8 days old but still seems like yesterday. I pray for your family and hope he has a speedy revovery.

  17. Your family is an inspiration to all. I am in awe by the positivity, love, and ability to perserve. A true testimate to God's love.

  18. You guys weren't the only ones crying while watching Dateline. Everyone in my house was too. You all are so very brave. You humble me. I will remember you all in my prayers. The most important thing in life is love. Your family has an abundance of love.

  19. Thank you for allowing the world to see your story on Dateline. I loved the episode so much I had my family watch it for FHE. We looked for little clues of what religion you might be. We decided you must be LDS too! We talked about the light of Christ that shines from each one of your family members and importance of others wanting to know Christ because they know us. The Bingham family is such a strong example of what we should all strive to become!

  20. Thank you so much for sharing your story and thank Dateline for bringing awareness to the need for donors. My daughter waited 4 months for her perfect new heart and it is almost 2 years. I cried through the whole show and I am sure traumatized her a little, but it was so good to see how well your family has handled everything. Uprooting your whole family is something so few families understand to care for a medically fragile child and you guys (and Dateline) made it look so effortless. I know a lot of that was for TV and I am guessing it has been more of a struggle than what was shown. God Bless your whole family and praying for the perfect heart to arrive for Gage in His perfect time.

  21. Your family is a tremendous inspiration for so many -- thank you so much for sharing your story. The full throttle love and positive attitudes your have brought to your challenges provides strength to so many other families.

  22. Hi Jason & Stacy,

    My name is Gina Peattie and I am the Patient Outreach & Support Manager at the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF). We first heard about your story a few years ago through a television program and recently was informed about your Dateline special. What an incredible journey you have been on!

    I wanted to reach out and let you know about the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF) and the resources/services that we provide. We are a national non profit focused on all forms of pediatric cardiomyopathy and active in research, education, family support, awareness, and advocacy. We also have a wonderful community of parents from around the world who support each other as well as programs for affected youth/teens.

    I would love to share more information about CCF and see how we can help your family. Our website is and my email address is . You can also call me at 866-808-CURE x905. Sending you our best wishes!

  23. Praying, Praying, Praying for you, that God will continue to hold you, and to hold you up. For your husband and marriage, for Gage, Sierra, Lindsey,Meghan, and Hunter. You have been through so much yet You Shine and are an inspiration to so many. Thank you for raising awareness about the need for organ donation. My dream is that as a nation, we switch to an "Opt-out" option regarding organ donation (like EU has) instead of our current Opt-in standard. One's organs are automatically assumed to be donated - Unless one chooses not to be a donor (rare). Would you consider testifying in front of Congress. Every change for the better begins with one person, in this case, one family stepping forward and standing up for the right thing. Your family's story is so touching, and you as a family are so lovable - This may be your calling. A reason why you're going through all of this - The opportunity to help hundreds of thousands. No other organ donation story is as compelling as yours. Please - Think about it...

  24. I also saw your family's episode on Dateline. Your family's strength is inspiring. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  25. Your family is amazing, I have never know stronger parents than you. Your love for the Lord is undying. I so wish I lived closer so I could actually meet you and your family. I think of all of you daily and your trials and strength you show. God has so many blessings for you and your family I am sure you are already seeing them. I have learned so much from you, your strength, love and your courage. I have kept the Dateline article up on my computer and was so happy when I found your Blog this morning. My prayers and support are with you. With God we can get through anything.
