Monday, January 18, 2016

Tide Pools

Today we took the kids and Mia over to the ocean at Fitzgerald Reserve to look at the tide pools.  We did thisonce in Oregon and really enjoyed it.  We saw all kinds ocean life, the kids thought it was pretty cool.

Gage did a great job walking around and not dropping ole' Blackwood into the ocean. That would be bad, very bad.  I carried him a bit on the walks and the long stairs ways up from the ocean.  It was good to get him out and doing something.

Other than that we are all good.  Busy rest of the week.  Kids have tests, homework, basketball games, biopsy, clinic appointments, and I head to Oregon for work.  Hang in there Stacy!

We have read and enjoyed every comment sent to us from all over the country.  There are so many good people out there, many have issues similar to ours. Thank you.


  1. Can someone help sign on subscribe to updates about the family? When I click on subscribe it doesn't work. Is there a facebook page to follow or someway to find out if there is a new update?

  2. We are so inspired by your strength and courage, our son was diagnosed at age 3 with a life threatening disease, after 3 yrs of treatments a chemo drug finally put him into remission, been there 9 yrs now. God is amazing and can do anything as we know with no doubt. We will pray for all of you, good luck on your journey through this unfair situation. Your friends from Missouri

  3. I am glad you got to go out and get some nice ocean air! Looks fun. Love and Miss you!
