Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday night before Dateline.

For any of you who are following this kind of stuff, there will be a short 2-3 minute teaser on the Today Show on Sunday morning around 8:30 am.  It is a promotional plug for the Dateline show, tomorrow, Sunday night, at 9.  Just thought I pass that along.

Anyway, tonight we had the treat of spending the evening with Sophia and her foster parents Dan and
Judy.  Stacy met Sophia and Judy at the hospital school were Gage goes.  Sophia received a liver transplant back in November 2015, and now lives with Dan and Judy in a beautiful home in Los Altos.  It's quite a story.  Stacy and I were impressed and very humbled by these good people.   Dan is a retired Atari executive so he had a good ole fashion arcade right there in the house.  Kids had a blast playing the arcade style games. The racing game was the biggest hit, along with the 2 cute little toy dogs. Sorry, no PacMan or I would still be there.

Megan had her best game the other night against Los Altos. They won and played well.

Other than that, I guess lets meet up after the Dateline show.

 Game night with Alex

 Scott giving a few pointers after the game.


  1. Thanks for the update. Hope to see you tonight. Cute kids and puppies.

  2. I definitely will be watching. All the kids look wonderful and thriving. So happy you are all together. Thanks for the updates.

  3. I'm watching your episode of dateline, I'm so sorry about your kids and there heart problems. w my eyes deceiving me or does your daughter have a boo dog I saw it in one of the clips

  4. Watching your story on Dateline. My prayers are with you all. Your family is beautiful. God Bless

  5. Jason and Stacy,

    Watching the Dateline episode tonight. I want you to know how much my heart melts for you. As a parent of six children - four of which have been afflicted with cardiomyapathies. We have lost one of our children and we have one with a transplant while two remain managed in congestive heart failure. We know our struggles have been strengthened by our knowledge of our Eternal Family. I want you to know though we could never fully know what you are going through, but I want you to know that you are not alone. We can relate and it is our knowledge of how much we appreciate knowing the Gospel and the peace and strength it gives us. I served as a missionary in Oregon and know you are surrounded by those with love.

    Your positive and peaceful nature is very strengthening to us. May you always know you are loved by a wonderful and loving Father. And your Brothers and Sisters in the Gospel of Christ.

    Please know you will be in our prayers. If you need anyone to talk to, please reach out.

    The Calhoun Family in Charlotte, NC.

    1. I am w very sorry for all of your hardships but I must winder have any of you been tested for mitochondrial diseae? I have it it is a rare genetic illness and it causes cardiomypathy. All Children Can Experience Symptoms Differently Even IN THE Same family.

    2. Have any of you been tested for mitochondrial disease? It is a genetic illness that often causes cardiomypathy among many other things. I have mitochondrial disease. You can learn more about mito at www.umdf.or or

  6. I am so sorry for all that your family is going through your faith and strength through all this is amazing. I watched dateline and I cried I can't even begin to imagine what y'all are going through I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. Stacey and Jason you are amazing parents. God bless y'all. Sending lots of prayers 🙏 your way.

  7. What a beautiful family! Your children are fortunate to have strong and loving parents like you.

  8. My husband and I just finished watching your show in Springfield mo!! Oh sweet family, my heart goes out to you! You all are such a brave, beautiful family!!
    I don't have much to offer, but I can offer prayers! Logan and I are praying for you Guys, our God is amazing and he is a wonderful healer! Praying For health, for a heart, for God to strengthen and uplift you all!! I know God brought y'all through this, and he will continue to carry you all through this! He has brought y'all too far to just drop you now!!! We fell in love with your family(obviously as soon as the show ended i googled yalls names :))
    just wanted to wish you all the best, may the lord bless the doctors that keep and eye on your kiddos, may he bless you two as parents, to be strong for your kiddos!!! Y'all are just amazing :)

  9. You have a wonderful family and the strength you show at such trying times is amazing! May God keep his hands on your family and may one of his angles send little Gage the heart he needs. Love and prayers from Maryland.

  10. What a wonderful mom and dad you both are...♡♡♡ how blessed for the family bond you all have, truley amazing

  11. I just watch Dateline & I'm in awe of your family. Our daughter at age 5 had dilated Cardiomythopy & received a new heart May 3, 2014. I'm so amazed at the strength you both have shown through this journey & as it continues. Your family is in my prayers as we all live the new normal.

  12. I just watch Dateline & I'm in awe of your family. Our daughter at age 5 had dilated Cardiomythopy & received a new heart May 3, 2014. I'm so amazed at the strength you both have shown through this journey & as it continues. Your family is in my prayers as we all live the new normal.

  13. So very touched by your amazing, courageous journey successful only by your incredible love, faith and strength. Such a need to increase awareness for this gift of life. Prayers to those who give this gift and those who receive. MaybGod continue to bless your family.

  14. Have any of you been tested for mitochondrial diseae? Mitochondrial disease us a genetic illness that causes cardiomypathy among many other things. Siblings are not always effected the same most times their symptoms vary in degree and symptoms. You can learn more about mito at www.umdf.or and my thoughts and prayers go out to you all.

  15. Hi Bingham family, I just watched your episode on dateline in New York. This was the first time I have heard your story. Your story was very touching and had me in tears the whole show. You have an amazing and strong family. You guys are great parents, those kids are lucky to have you guys as you guys are lucky to have such strong children. I can't even imagine being in your shoes. I just want you to know your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you continue to keep us updated on your family.

  16. Just saw Dateline. Your family is a model of courage and faith. But it isn't just faith in God; it's also faith in each other. I am humbled by your grace in dealing with all of your struggles. It makes me ashamed of any whining I've ever done over much less in my life. There's never a satisfactory answer to why these things happen. But in your case, you have been able to share your story of love, faith, and hope with millions of people and inspired as many. I know you've inspired me. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world.

  17. Just finished watching Dateline from Hartford, CT! You are both extremely strong, brave, and loving parents. I am so glad I turned on the TV tonight to hear about your story. Your kids are so lucky to have such great parents. Praying for your family!

  18. Just finished watching Dateline from Hartford, CT! You are both extremely strong, brave, and loving parents. I am so glad I turned on the TV tonight to hear about your story. Your kids are so lucky to have such great parents. Praying for your family!

  19. I contracted dilated cardiomyopathy during my third pregnancy and as an adult find this illness which is invisible on the outside so misunderstood...can't even imagine how that is as a child to have the natural urge to do every day things that completely wipe you out. After watching your family tonight I have a new feeling of gratefulness that I am the one that has had to endure this and not any of my three children. You are doing a wonderful job mom & dad...I feel a strong bond to your story and will think of you all and pray for you often. I would love to follow you all on your are truly an inspiration.

  20. Hello Jason and Stacy,

    My name is Misal and I am from Hartford, CT. I just watched your family's story on NBC today and I would really like to congratulate you on being so brave and certainly your family will always be in my prayers. Just hearing about your family's strength and perseverance would make anyone absolutely believe that there is a God and he is with you all every way of your journey. I look forward to following your journey with you! Best of luck and may God bless all your children.

    Best Regards,


  21. Just watched Dateline after some friends told me about it coming on. My daughter is 14 years old and had a heart transplant at age 9. She was also the FIRST pediatric patient in the US to receive the HeartWare device. I guess you could say she was the guinnea pig for every kid who has gotten once since. I would love to connect with you guys. Please feel free to email me at

  22. I will be watching your story on Dateline in just a few minutes. I've been following your journey for awhile now and you all never cease to amaze me with how you take each new challenge and deal with it so positively. You are all an encouragement to me and your testimony reminds me of how God is always with us and helps us to get through life's difficult time. Thank your for sharing your life with your followers. You are all continually in my prayers.

  23. Your family is wonderful and amazing.
    Love & prayers from our family.
    The Richey's

  24. I was amazed at your faith and your story. Stacey are you from cache valley originally? You look so familiar and I couldn't help but notice your families aggie attire. :).

  25. Just watched your entire story. My heart and prayers go out to your family.

  26. Thank you for sharing your trials & triumphs. I know it will inspire more people to choose to save lives with organ donation. God bless you!
    Dawn Sherman
    Benson, Az

  27. We watched tonight and cried the whole time. We found out about the show thru our own heart family Facebook group of people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. There were a lot of us that tuned in, and will be continuing to pray for your family. Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness for organ donation. Prayers and love from Arizona.

  28. I was watching the show called "where the heart is" and feeling sorry for myself because I am on dialysis and waiting for a kidney transplant.....I no longer feeling sorry for myself...your family has endured so much and yet you are all so brave and upbeat...thank you and I am praying for all of you

  29. I also just watched Dateline and though I've never commented online like this, I had to reach out to your family. You all are so inspiring and you will change many lives with your story- you have already changed mine. I am in awe of your family's spirit and faith and positive outlook. Know you have so many people praying for you. Stay encouraged and string in your faith and we all stay strong in our prayers for you all!!! Xoxo

  30. Thank you for sharing your story on Dateline. I immediately donated to your Paypal account in hopes of helping your beautiful family even just a little.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Jason, Stacy and family,
    Thank you for sharing your stories. Your love and courage are precious gifts. My heart goes out to you and your family. My family and I live very close to Packard. We could walk there! We welcome the opportunity to help you in any way we can - a homemade meal? A hug from a neighbor? Reach out and we're here.
    Maria & family

  33. What a wonderful family you are! My husband and I watched Dateline tonight from Southern California. What strong faith you all have! I told my husband "I think they're LDS"...and then we saw a hymn book, picture of the First Presidency, etc. Your family is an "example of the believers." We will keep you in our prayers.

  34. I saw your story on Dateline. Even though I do not have children I feel your pain. I will be praying for your family. We do not know what God has in store for us. Your family is in my heart.

  35. I was so touched by your story. I cried basically the whole episode we had recorded. Your strength is admirable. My heart goes out to your family. Just want you to know I will keep you in my prayers
