Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday - Still On Heparin

Gage's INR went from 1.7 to 1.8.  Not the big climb I was hoping for.  Thus, he is still attached to an IV pole.  The IV heparin has to stay on until his INR is greater than 2.  Maybe tomorrow.  We can't do any of his excursions or shower until the IV heparin has stopped.  So, our hope of getting out by this weekend is gone.  I guess we will have to shoot for the end of next week.  Hopefully before Jason and the kids get here. They increased his coumadin to 5 mg, which is a pretty hefty dose for his size.  But, with the feeds, it needs to be that high.  Crossing our fingers that "5" is the magic number.

Today was fun, the Disney Pixar people came and played "The Good Dinosaur" for the hospital.  They had a big screen in the playroom with popcorn and drinks.  It was really fun.  The kids that aren't able to get out of their rooms, could watch it from their TV's.  We didn't get to go to this movie over Thanksgiving because we were in the hospital.  It was really fun to watch and a really cute movie.  The artists drew pictures for the kids and signed them.  They were also giving out hats.  It helped break up the day.  We ended the day with a visit from our friends the Veater's.  Very nice of them to come by and bring yummy food.

Gage didn't have any headaches until this evening.  They don't seemed concerned or wanting to repeat his CT scan over it.  He still doesn't eat much and complains of his stomach hurting if he eats very much.  Sure wish that would get better. The doctor asked me if I thought he had improved from where he was at before the VAD was placed.  My answer was, it is a little hard to tell.  I feel he is still in the recovery stage from surgery.  He isn't eating any better, he still complains of stomach pain, but he hasn't thrown up.  Give him a couple weeks of being out of the hospital and I might be able to tell.  Right now there isn't a lot of difference. At least I'm hoping he keeps improving and we can say, "yes, he is definitely better."  I have to keep reminding myself that it took Lindsey a good while before we were able to say "yes" with her.  

Doing "warrior" pose for therapy today.  Working on balancing.

The hat and picture he was given from Pixar.


  1. I think you are right . . . Once he is discharged and out of the hospital he will improve exponentially! Hoping his level reaches "2" and you can be discharged soon. Hang in there. I am always constantly amazed at the activities they have at the hospital for the kids and I am so glad u take advantage of them. Love and prayers from Central NY. Jen

  2. Gage looks happy with his dinosaur picture and new hat. It is so nice to see him smile!
