Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday - Off by 0.1

INR was 1.9!! So close, but not there yet.  Most likely tomorrow he will be off the heparin and he can at least shower (he is getting pretty smelly).  The bag that comes with the VAD is a pretty big bag.  It is made for adults.  An amazing nurse in the CVICU helped me find a small back pack that will fit Gage much better.  I ordered it and it came today.  She will pick it up tomorrow and work her magic with her sewing machine.  This will be so much nicer for Gage.  I will take a "Black wood" picture and a "Blue wood" picture (that is the new name for the backpack).  He acted a lot better today.  Still not eating a lot.  But, has his feeds at night to help him get the calories he needs.  Just a normal day of school and hanging out this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I spent a while on Coumadin and Lovenox and Heparin, so I understand the frustrations with INR levels!! Little Gage is always in my heart and in my prayers :) thanks for being so diligent in keeping all of us updated!!!
