Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday-combating the whine

Gage is doing well. He is strong enough that he only needs therapy 3 times a week instead of daily. He is still recovering from a major surgery, so he's not running around and skipping by any stretch. When we go on our '3 lap walk', he still has to take breaks and catch his breath. It is always hard to gauge how he is really doing in the hospital. When we get him out of the hospital and we will have a much better picture. Today they took out his chest staples. I thought he would be excited about it, but he cried all the way back from school to his room. By the time he got there, he was so worked up, the poor surgeon didn't have a chance. I think they could hear him screaming at the school. I know my ears were ringing.

After the staple removal, I explained to Gage that I was getting tired of his whining. Every time we walk down the hall he is whining . Whining about having to go to school, whining about going for a walk, whining that is not just 2 laps, whine, whine,whine. I told him that people were feeling sorry for that poor little boy, because every time they see him in the hall he is whining and crying.

Before I get a heavy judgement of being an insensitive mother, let me explain. He is always falling apart over something when we leave his room. Place him in his bed with the IPAD and TV remote and he is the happiest sweetest guy ever, almost instantly. Which tells me he needs to get out of his room even more. After our little discussion,  he was great!  We had a very enjoyable afternoon together. We went to the playroom, an early afternoon walk to the first floor and colored some pictures. It was nice to see him happy.

No changes in rounds this morning. His INR is 1.7, getting closer. Once it is over 2,they will shut off the heparin IV. He seems to be in a real stable place right now. He has been complaining of some headaches again today, but not as bad as yesterday. He has only needed Tylenol once today for pain at his VAD sight.
His pain seems to be much better now the chest tube is out.

His dad was whining that we don't send him enough pictures, so here you go my dear husband.

Jason and the other 4 kids are still planning on leaving next Thursday afternoon. Sierra has a biopsy Friday morning. Still looking / hoping for a little bigger place to live.  All the kids are busy with basketball, YMCA volleyball, dance, cub scouts, and school. 


  1. Thanks a million for the updates. You are such a great mom Stacy! You and Jason are definitely an inspiration and an example to us. Tell Gage his Chicago cousins are very proud and impressed with all the really hard things he can do! You guys are in our prayers.

  2. Love reading your updates and you are the farthest thing from a bad mom! I am so impressed by what a great mom you are and when I see what you go through every day, it makes me have a little more patience for my own kids! So glad Gage is doing better and we will continue to send prayers your way.

  3. Love the expression on Gage's face in the photo! I'd be whining BIGTIME were I in his shoes. You are the furthest from a "bad mom" possible.
