Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday - Good Day but Not Out Yet

In rounds today, there was a little hint of the doctors wondering what Jason and I have feared.  That perhaps, Gages nausea is from the right side of his heart failing and not getting better.  The HeartWare is doing the job for the left side of Gage's heart, usually the right side improves once the left side is getting the help it needs.  They drew a lab that kind of gives them an idea of how well his heart is perfusing.  This lab was low, which would indicate some right side heart inadequacies.  He had an echo done today, but it is always difficult for them to get a clear picture from the echo because of the HeartWare.  I don't know what it showed, but will find out in rounds tomorrow.  There has been a little bit of a "drag" every time I want to know whats next to get out of here.  Now it makes sense.  They want to run a few more tests to rule out the right side heart failure.  So, now our tentative discharge will be Friday.

This will just add more fun to our already crazy schedule.  Jason and the kids will get here late tomorrow night.  Friday each child has an appointment with their counselor to get them registered to start school in January.  That's 4 appointments at 3 different schools.  No big deal, but add Sierra's biopsy and Gage's discharge.  Not to mention, the RMH is taking a bus of all kids and families to the opening night of the new Star Wars movie Friday night.  Google has rented out the whole theater for the RMH.  It will be one busy and crazy day, but I couldn't be happier.  All things in the right direction.  Gage out of the hospital and the family all together.

Jason and the kids are finishing up their marathon week at home, with Christmas parties, school concerts, saying their goodbyes, cleaning out lockers and packing for California. It has been a busy week for all, we may just end up sleeping all day Saturday from exhaustion. I went to the RMH this afternoon to move us into our room we've had every time we've been here.  MS204, it is our home away from home.  While I was gone, Gage fell asleep.  When I came back he was a little confused, he thought it was morning.  He was really excited because lab hadn't been in yet to draw his blood.  I had to break the news to him that is was actually almost time to go to bed.  It may be a long night. On a lighter note, Gage is loving his free reign with dill pickles.  The doctors let him have whatever he wants because his sodium is still low.  Yesterday he went to town on dill pickles and this morning, he had dill pickles for breakfast.  After school today, he was complaining of his legs and feet hurting.  His feet were very swollen.  We called them "pickle feet." The pickles are catching up and helping him to retain water.  They are giving him extra lasix to help that out. We may have to limit the pickles.

Gage with his bed head after his long nap.  


  1. Love to you all. Your family is in my prayers and thoughts! God bless!

  2. My son's favorite food is dill pickles. He and Gage will get along great.

  3. My son's favorite food is dill pickles. He and Gage will get along great.
