Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday - Lots of Fun Activities Today

Gage started his morning off with his 2nd and last excursion.  This was a trip to the RMH where they check out the room and make sure that everything is set up for his discharge.  We rode the shuttle there with the plan to walk back.  When Gage started the excursion, he was running ahead of us (Jenna the NP, Joann PT, Alyson OT, and myself).  It was all we could do to keep up with him and reminding him he needed to slow down.  After going through our room at the RMH, he helped me set up the tree from his hospital room at the RMH room.  We wanted it to be there for when Jason and the kids get here.  We then walked across the street to California Pizza Kitchen.  He started falling apart and getting really cranky, complaining of his drive line hurting.  So, we didn't push him and slowly worked our way back to the RMH, where we caught the shuttle back to the hospital.

He rested in his room for a couple hours, and then it was time for the Gingerbread Jamboree.  Some fun festivities put on by the Child Life department.  This is similar to the Halloween activity they do, only on a smaller scale.  Halloween is every floor of the hospital, this was only the 3rd floor.  There were booths and activities set up around the 3rd floor.  Gage had a lot of fun, but no desire to do the gingerbread house.  He mostly liked the face painting booths (there were 2).  The hope is that he will still get out tomorrow.  They are still trying to pull some fluid off of him.  They increased his lasix today to try and make that happen.  They feel that perhaps the nausea is caused from congestion of the heart caused from being fluid over loaded.  So, we will continue to pull fluid off and see where that goes.  He is acting very well, and tolerates activities in short spurts.  It will be interesting to see how he does with ALL his siblings here and being out of the hospital.

When Gage was moved up to the 3rd floor, he was the 5th of 5 VAD's.  Now, 2 have been discharged, 1 received a transplant leaving him and one other on the floor.  By Monday afternoon, there will not be any.  The nurses were talking about how crazy busy it has been.  We are glad to lighten their load by going to the RMH!

Jason and the gang left around 2:30 pm today.  They hit a big snow storm for the first hour and a half of their trip, but made it through the worst before the roads closed.  They were just passing Winnamucca at 9:30 pm should get here around 3:30 am.  They will be very tired for our crazy day tomorrow, as Sierra has to be here at 7 for biopsy and Jason at 8:30 for VAD training.  Here is to a busy but fun filled day tomorrow!
Gage in front of the hospital waiting for the shuttle for his excursion to the RMH.  You would have thought the weather was freezing, but it was actually a really nice mid 50's and sunny.  He is just acclimated to a room that is always around 72.

Joann PT (red) and Jenna NP (black) walking with Gage back from CPK.

Child life had wagon loads of stuffed animals of all sizes.  Of course, Gage picks the biggest one that is the same size as him.  Not sure where we will put this one, but we would like to introduce you to "Big Jim."

Gage and Big Jim starting the Gingerbread festivities.

One of the face painting stations.

A lip balm making station.

The other face (hand) painting station.


  1. So cute and glad he had a good time. Hope everyone arrived safely.

  2. Hoping the family has a safe trip. The weather has been crazy this year. Makes for hard driving. Gage looks great as does Big Jim! Sounds like it will be an extremely productive Friday! Love and prayers from Central NY. Jen
