Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday - Time to Meet "Bluewood"

Gage is doing well.  There is really no changes and rounds are a bit boring these days.  He went to school for both morning and afternoon sessions.  He woke up this morning complaining of nausea.  We waited a little bit and it seemed to subside on its own.  They want to see what his nausea does without the Zofran masking any symptoms.  He followed the same pattern as yesterday, where he has nausea in the morning and then lightly on and off throughout the day, and returns in the evening.  I haven't pinned down a pattern or trigger, but the last couple days it has been better.  He is "snacking" in the evening more, so the medicine to help increase his appetite must be working.

An amazing nurse from the CVICU came in yesterday on her day off and picked up Gage's blue backpack.  She worked her magic on it last night and brought it to work today.  She did an awesome job.  It fits him so much better than the black case ("Blackwood") he was carrying around. Gage does not handle any kind of change very easily.  So, of course he was throwing a fit about it and didn't want to wear it.  She brought it up between school sessions.  I made him wear it to school, (literally dragged him to school) and by the end he admitted he liked it, "a little bit."  He said this as he was racing me to his room.  The most energetic I've seen him.  He got the privilege of taking a walk this afternoon, down to the CVICU, to apologize to Christina for his fit and let her know that he really likes it a lot. There is such an amazing staff, we are truly blessed to be surrounded by such great nurses and doctors.
 Gage had a surprise visitor Santa came with the police and handed out stuffed animals to the kids in the hospital.

 This is "Bluewood" from the back. Much more compact than "Blackwood."

 Christina the nurse who helped make "Bluewood."

 An inside look of Bluewood. The controller sits on top of the batteries.


  1. JT thinks your backpack is cool Gage!

  2. We have been keeping you all in our prayers. Owen is the same age as Gage and has the same tummy aches, nausea in the am with night feeds. The only thing that really helps is stopping his pump around 3am so his tummy has time to empty before he wakes, then he is somewhat ready for breakfast and feels so much better. I don't k ow if that will help but though I'd throw it out there. We will be in Palo Alto for biopsy and transplant clinic in January and Owen would love to meet Gage. They have a lot in common...including (what seems like) their tempers. ;)

  3. Very nice of her and it looks way cool.
