Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday - First Excursion Complete & Pictures of home

Today was Gage's first excursion.  He woke up feeling nauseous.  We quickly gave him a shower and some Zofran.  He complained of stomach pain on the way to school, but it seemed to stop shortly after getting to school.  He hasn't complained of his stomach hurting since! Yeahh! Finally.  

So, back to the excursion, we left the hospital at about 11:45.  We walked with PT, OT, Jenna NP and Jenna RN to a fun cafe on the medical school side of Stanford.  This was quite a walk for Gage.  Definitely more than the 3 laps on the 3rd floor.  He did great and talked all the way there.  He was pretty tired when we got there and was a little overwhelmed by all the food choices.  He settled on chips and salsa and lemonade.  He got really cranky, because he was cold (we ate outside at a shaded table), so he was ready to pack himself up and walk himself back.  Luckily I was able to hold him off long enough to inhale my food.  The whole excursion was about an hour.  He complained of his legs being tired after all the walking, but did very well.  On Wednesday, we will have our excursion to the RMH and then hopefully (fingers crossed) out Thursday morning. 

I have to admit, I did dangle a little carrot out there to help them pin down a deadline for discharge.  On Thursday evening, the RMH is taking all kids and families to the new Star Wars movie.  They have saved one of the theaters in Redwood City and are taking a bus over.  They will also be providing popcorn and snacks.  I explained that I signed Gage and I up to go to this, so we HAVE to be out by Thursday.  They said they can probably make that happen.  He really has had a great day.  I forgot to take pictures of his excursion, but will take some of his second one (sorry Jason). 

Below are pictures that Jason took of activities going on at home.  Sierra fixing dinner for her home EC project.  Lindsey and Hunter with their YMCA volleyball. Both of them really loved playing this year.  It is a busy week for everyone, but all in preparation to be able to be together.
Sierra and her friend Hunter and their fabulous meal.
Hunter  and his overhand serve.

He HATES to come out.
Lindsey and her friend Trinity performing their middle school dance.
Lindsey killing it at her volleyball game.

This picture PERFECTLY describes Lindsey and Hunter.  I giggle every time I look at this.  Alone Hunter and Lindsey can be prefect angels, but give them unsupervised time alone.... well.... this says it all!! 

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