Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday - Really No Change

Gage's INR is slowly climbing.  It was 2.3 yesterday and so they gave him a "lab holiday" today.  They didn't draw any blood this morning.  He was relieved, finally no pokes.  He is still having nausea even after turning the concentration of his feeds down.  He feels good and then as soon as he eats or walks, he complains of his stomach hurting.  The only thing that seems to help is lying down.  The doctors decided to start a medicine that will increase his appetite.  He started that at noon today.  We will see how much this helps.  He gets his 2nd  dose this evening.  I feel it is not fixing the nausea problem.  I asked them how we don't know that the nausea is caused from the right side heart failure.  They said there are other symptoms that would go with it, and he is not portraying any of those.  These would be swelling, change in size of his liver, and increase in his kidney enzymes.  All these at present time are stable.  It would be nice to get that under control however, I know he would feel a lot better.  Maybe he just needs time. 

Tonight the kids had a piano recital at home.  They let Gage and I Facetime the recital. It was such a treat.  I am so proud of them and how well they are doing.  I am greatful for a patient and loving grandmother, that keeps teaching them. It was really hard to watch and not be there.  Made me a little home sick (okay a lot).  It will be nice on Thursday when we can all be together again.  I really miss my kids and husband.
Yesterday, a group of Star Wars crew came and handed out gifts to the kids in the hospital.  Really fun to see them.

1 comment:

  1. It's so wonderful your kids are involved in many activities and especially piano!! Sounds like they have an AWESOME teacher. They are lucky kids to have my musically talented Aunt Leslie teaching them. Hoping and praying the nausea will resolve soon! Wishing you a happy Christmas and wonderful holiday season together.
