Saturday, November 14, 2015

Not a Lot of Improvement

Gage had another rough day. They held his feeds last night to see if that would take an extra load off his heart. With foods in his stomach to digest, it gives the heart extra places to have to send blood. He has slept quite a bit today. We tried sitting him up in a chair, but he didn't tolerate it for very long and wanted to go back to bed. He hasn't eaten anything but a few fruit snacks and some cranberry juice. The doctors are concerned about his nutrition and are talking about starting IV nutrition called TPN.  They have him on the schedule to get a heart assist device placed at the beginning of next week if his status doesn't change. This is not a surprise to Jason and I,  we knew it was coming. We were just hoping for some more time. He walked 2 laps around the CVICU  this afternoon, but was bushed afterwards and went back to sleep. He did have an hour where he perked up and felt like putting together some Legos our good friends the Quinn's brought.

Jason flew back to Oregon with Sierra and Megan to get everyone lined out for the week. He will fly back tomorrow so he can be here before Monday. We invite anyone who would like, to fast and pray for Gage tomorrow. That the surgeon will be able to place the heart ware and he won't have to have the Berlin, also that he will have a quick recovery and minimal side effects.

On a more positive note,  Sierra got a 1Aon her biopsy. We are turning down her prednisone again. She can also stop taking her insulin and watch her blood sugars closely for 10 days. If all looks good, she is done with her insulin and blood sugars. Hallelujah! ! Thank you for all the love and support we are truly blessed.


  1. Poor little guy. Heart breaking to see him so sick. We love you and you're in our prayers. Phil and Judy.

  2. Poor little tyke. I'll be praying for family and the doctors when they do their procedure on Gage.

  3. Poor little tyke. I'll be praying for family and the doctors when they do their procedure on Gage.

  4. Hello Family,

    I am hoping this message gets to you as we live in Argentina now. Our daughter, Kylie gave us the news last night and our family is fasting for gage right now. He has been in our family prayers and we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers. We are so sorry for your constant struggle.

    With Love,

    Corey Bingham
    < from Jerry Bingham Family>

  5. Our prayers for Gage and the doctors, and for his healing. Prayers for your family, for strength and closeness to God. Thank God for Sierra's great report. Much love sent your way from Baker City.

  6. So wonderful to hear Sierra's good news!! We will definitely be praying and fasting for those things to help a Gage. Lots of love from Colorado.
