Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday afternoon.. The day before

Stacy here.
Sunday morning started off rough.  I was getting ready to head out the door of the RMH when I received a call from the nurse saying that the surgeon, Dr Katz, would like to speak to me. Gages liver enzymes had gone up over night. Meaning, his heart function is worsening.  Dr. Katz Meada came and talked to me about the heartware.  He said that he felt that he could fit that in Gage, however, Gages right side heart function is poor as well.  The heartware is only big enough to fit on the left side of his heart. It is capable of 2 sided support, but not in kids Gage's size. If they get into Gages chest and feel he needs a right side support as well, their only option is a double Berlin (meaning 2 pumps coming out of his chest).

During rounds, Gage threw up almost on cue as the nurse was giving her report stating his pain was at a 9. After he vomited, he fell back asleep for 4 hours.  The doctors said, if he did not improve they would take him in for surgery this afternoon instead of tomorrow morning. They started a new IV drip that is like Milranone to bring his blood pressure down a little bit.  Not that his blood pressure is high, just trying to take a little more stress off the heart.  Apparently, this new med worked.  He woke up from his nap and actually "wanted" to eat something other than water or juice.  So, this afternoon he ordered a tray of spaghetti and hot chocolate.  He ate a few bites of spaghetti and drank most of his grape juice, and then threw up.   Then, he ate a little more and has been able to hold that down as well as go for a 2 lap walk around the CVICU.  He was of course tired afterwards and wanted back in his bed.  However, he has been smiling and laughing at movies he's been watching.  The most lively I've seen him in a while.  The medicine seemed to buy us the time we needed to get him to the surgery tomorrow morning instead of this evening. Which gave Jason time to get back here to California.

Jason had a good quick trip home to Oregon.  He was home for about 20 hours, but was able to spend some quality time with the kids, go to church, and prepare his parents for the upcoming weeks ahead.  He caught a commercial flight back this evening and is here for a while.

So Monday, tomorrow morning at 8:30 am, pacific time, Gage will go back into surgery to receive a device to help his failing heart.  When I told Gage what was going to happen, all he said was, "you mean I have to start all over again, having my chest open."  Poor guy, his last surgery was only 3 months ago and still fresh on his mind.  Thank you to all for your fasting and prayers today and everyday.  I know he is in good hands and God will take care of him.

Current picture of our Gage

 The Angel Flight pilot, Tom, from Bend with Megan and Sierra.  This the the 2nd time he has given us a ride home.  VERY nice guy.  He landed this plane with a strong side wind.  He made it look easy!!
Great picture of Lindsey and Hunter.  I told them to act like they liked each other and this is the cute picture I got.  Love these kids.


  1. The Bingham family has been in my thoughts all day. Constantly checking for an update. Prayers for Gage. May tomorrow go well.

  2. The Bingham family has been in my thoughts all day. Constantly checking for an update. Prayers for Gage. May tomorrow go well.

  3. So happy he perked up a bit today so Jason could get there. We loved having him at church. And that Megan is great on the piano. Loved Sierra's talk. Love you all and will continue our prayers and checking for updates. Phil and Judy

  4. Your family is in our prayers, and we hope Gages surgery will go well.

  5. Your family is in our prayers, and we hope Gages surgery will go well.

  6. Will keep Gage, his doctors, and you all in our thoughts and prayers all day today especially as he gets his heart ware. Your family is a bunch of super heros in my book. The real "Incredibles"

  7. Keeping you all in my prayers. So glad Jason was able to get back in time. Poor little guy. Miss his smiling face.

  8. We sure love you guys and hope and pray that everything goes well. May God bless you and your beautiful family. Love, Matt and Jodi Millburn

  9. God bless you all, especially little Gage. Praying right now for a successful outcome to this surgery, and for continued guidance and grace from above as you walk this hard walk again.
