Friday, November 13, 2015

Nov 13, Back to the ICU.

Been a rough day so far.  He hasn't eaten much and has been very uncomfortable all day.  The best part of the day was between 2-4 when Megan and him were playing Wii Mario Bro in the play room.  But other than that, he has been pretty miserable.  He struggles with breathing, and his feet and hands are cool. His tummy pain has been between 4-8, this is all with the increased IV milrinone. They have done blood draws which is showing increased heart failure.

So tonight they are going to keep him on oxygen, increase the IV milrinone to .75, increase his IV lasix, and hold his feeds.  All of this to see this will ease the strain on his weak heart.

They will watch him pretty close for the next 12 hours.  If he doesn't perk up, act better, and have better stats, they will move closer to the HeartMate.  Dr Rosenthal and a nurse practitioner had a good long visit with us about the HeartMate and how it has replaced the Berlin on kids his size.  Time will tell.  Below are some pictures of the devise.

Lets not forget that Sierra had a biopsy today.  It went very well.  Her heart pressures are down slightly from last month.  That's good.  We will find out the rejection results tomorrow.  If she gets another zero, they will drop her predisone from 7.5 to 5.

So now we see how the night goes.
This would be a night we specifically ask for prayer for our small 40 pound 7 year old sick son.

I visit on 3 West from Lindsey's favorite Riza shortly before being transfered back to the CVICU. It was sad to see Gage so miserable

 The bright spot of the day, when Gage was beating Megan and Mario Bro.  There was a lot of excitement there.
Leaving Room 3241

Meanwhile, Sierra and Rosalee heading in for biopsy
 Couple good pictures of the HeartWare and where it is placed on the heart.
The HeartWare is like an irrigation motor, a very expensive and small irrigation motor.  Unlike the Berlin, it does not pulse, to continuously spins.  More on this as the store unfolds.  ACI this is for you.


  1. So sad to see these pictures of cute Gage and to hear today's report. You're always in our prayers, but we'll double up for Gage. We love you!

  2. Prayers, good positive thoughts and lots of love for your handsome boy, Gage tonight.

  3. Praying for Gage this morning.

  4. John and Patty ShukleNovember 14, 2015 at 7:09 AM

    Sending prayers from Seattle for Gage and his family.

  5. I've been praying for your family for a long, long time and prayers will continue.

    The side effects of Milrinone scare me, especially for someone so little, that already has issues.

  6. Sending lots of prayers to all of you. Such a beautiful little boy. Hopefully it's all uphill from here.

  7. Love and BIG hugs to everyone of you. ;)

  8. Love and BIG hugs to everyone of you. ;)

  9. Prayers for your family from a caregiver of a heart recipient husband.

  10. Sending a lot of prayers Gage's way! Interesting pictures of the HeartWare -- very thankful for the miracles of modern medical technology tonight!

  11. Thinking of you guys and praying for your handsome little Gage. You're an amazing family and I pray you all and especially Gage will be strong at the difficult time.

  12. 🙏 for all...he's a beautiful child.

  13. Praying hard for Gage and the family and doctors. Please watch over the doctors while they make difficult decisions for your family.
