Monday, November 2, 2015

Gage Update - November 2

Gage has been acting great.  More like himself.  His circulation has improved, his hands and feet are actually warmer.  His eating is about as good as it is going to get, but he is tolerating the extra feedings well.  He still has an appetite during the day even with the feedings at night, which is exactly what they are wanting.  The present plan is, to release him tomorrow to the RMH.  Stay there a couple nights, then go to clinic on Thursday.  If all looks well, we will be able to hit the road on Thursday after clinic and head home.  Not sure how long it will last, but it would be great if we could get through Thanksgiving.  He will have to deal with having a feeding tube in his nose while at school, but a trade off we are willing to make to be able to go home.

On Friday, they have their "transplant" meeting.  This is where they discuss different patient cases and present his case to decide whether it is time to list him or not.  They will call us after the meeting and let us know what they decided.  I am almost certain that they will list him as a status 2 and allow us to wait at home for now.

Megan's volleyball team made state playoffs.  So excited and proud of them.  Gage and I are planning on making it to Redmond this weekend to be able to watch them win  State!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Stacy. You know so much, have they recruited you for a parent support group? Meagan did a super job playing the piano at Church yesterday. The other three gave moving testimonies. We love your family and pray you will be home for Thanksgiving. Love, Judy and Phil
