Saturday, October 31, 2015

Gage Update - Happy Halloween

Gage started his day off really good yesterday.  He got up and wanted to go to the hospital school.  He was able to go, and after school got his face painted. Yesterday, is the BIG Halloween party at the hospital.  ALL floors set up tables for trick-or-treating and the hospital provides costumes for patients.  There is also a haunted house in the ground floor of the hospital, that if you remember, Sierra screamed very loudly when she went through it when Lindsey was here.  However, they did not want Gage to go to all the floors since he would not be able to be monitored on the lower floors.  Our good friend Alex came by with some gifts and candy for Gage.  Then, Gage got his Ninja Turtle costume on and he and Alex went around the 3rd floor trick-or-treating.  Which was enough for Gage.  He was done after his lap around.

After trick-or-treating, he just wanted to lye in bed and watch a movie. So, all was well, until the nurses came in to put a feeding tube in.  Gage is eating but not nearly enough to give his body the nutrition it needs.  Thus, the doctors want to start doing feeds at night through a feeding tube.  He was not a happy camper.  Luckily it only took one try to get it in, then lots of vomiting afterwards.  It took a little over an hour, but he finally calmed down.  He has not been in the best of mood since the tube was placed.  He was able to tolerate his feeds throughout the night.  He complained of stomach pain once around 4:30 this morning, but did not throw up.  The plan now, is to switch his lasix back to oral, start his oral meds back up that they were holding and prepare him for discharge hopefully on Monday.  They feel he is in a better spot then when he came in, and they may even let us go home for a little bit on the nightly feeds.  If all goes as planned, we will be able to go home possibly on Tuesday.  Who knows for how long, but we know it won't be for a long period of time and when we come back, it will be until transplant.

Meanwhile at home,  Megan is playing in the first round of State Playoffs for volleyball right now.  Really bummed I can't be there to watch this game.  Hopefully I will be there to watch the final game.  Jason is up at elk camp hunting with his buddies.  One of their party has gotten a 5 point bull elk, but he was not the one.  Windy, snowing, cold and wet, but having a good time.  In Palo Alto, Gage and I are dealing with sunny and upper 70's weather. I will take ours over Jason's.

1 comment:

  1. I love your costume Gage! We miss you & really hope to see you back at school soon!
    Love, Mrs. Scott
