Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Gage is OUT of the Hospital

Gage was released from the hospital yesterday.  We are staying at the RMH, and are very grateful for that wonderful place.   Sometimes it's just nice having a private room and shower to relax in.  While Gage has been in the hospital, I have slept on the parent bed on his side of the room.  We shared a room this time.  Sometimes, having kids with transplants has its benefits, as they always get a private room because their immunosuppressed.  With sharing a room, I would go to the community parent shower in the mornings and do laundry in the washer and dryers on the 3rd floor.  All great accommodations for parents, don't get me wrong.  It all worked out great for Gage and I.  He had a great roommate.  Just saying, sometimes it's just nice to relax in your own room with your own shower!

I wish I could say Gage is doing amazingly better, but that would not be the truth.  He is acting good.  He wanted to stay in the hospital until next Tuesday (a random day) because he was able to watch 7 movies while he was in the hospital.  He thought that was pretty awesome.  He is still feeling cold and not eating much.  The tube feeds are nice, in that you know he is getting some nutrition.  It offers a little more peace of mind. The present plan is, he has clinic tomorrow at 10:30 AM.  IF all goes well at the appointment, he and I will hit the road.  I may accidentally put my phone on airplane mode while driving, just saying.  We will drive to Redmond, OR where we will get to watch Megan play in the state volleyball tournament.  Jason and the rest of the crew will meet us there. The following week, Sierra, Gage and I will return to California the 11th-14th.  Sierra will have biopsy and diabetic clinic and Gage will have clinic.  Then we will ALL return home.  That is MY plans at least, lets hope it stays that way.


  1. I'm praying that all goes as planned!! Missing you already!

  2. Your family is a family of warriors. Many, many prayers. Safe travels and GO BADGERS!!!

  3. So glad home is in sight! What time is the game in Redmond?

  4. Full speed ahead. Hoping you have a safe trip to the volleyball game!!!! So glad Gage is managing the feeding tube. He has the most beautiful smile. Love and prayers from CentralNew York. Jennifer
