Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday update

May sound obvious, but we finally accepted the fact that we are not going home until Gage is ready.  He is improving, but at his own rate.  Here is where he is at..
 - His chest tube is still draining, over 110 ml today  (needs to be 60 or less be get it removed). So that means at least one more day (if not 2 or 3 or more).
 - Went on good walks.
 - He felt good enough to and wanted to go to school.  That is a huge improvement.  He was there for 2 hours and seemed to enjoy himself.
 - Ate dill pickles for both lunch and dinner, plus a few bits of spaghetti, and a little juice.
 - Felt good enough to go to the play room to play x-box ninja turtles and car racing.  He even showed a little emotion, which was a pleasant surprise.

Kevin Murphy was here for a clinic visit.  He and his mother took Sierra to Santa Cruz yesterday, very nice. Anyway, he was telling Gage about how he hurt his foot winning a stuffed snake for Gage.  Gage thought that was pretty cool.  Sierra thinks he is pretty cool too...

Unfortunately, Gage did throw up a couple of times today, and still feels pretty crummy.  So all-in-all, we are staying a bit longer. Sorry Hunter, Megan and Lindsey.   We will be home as soon as we can.

Sierra really wants to go home tomorrow, so if she sticks to her plan she will be shaving her legs extra smooth, putting on her high heals, packing up her meds, and hitchhiking her way back to Oregon with some nice trucker.  Interesting to see how that plays out??

 Gage and Sierra heading to their first day of SCHOOL!  Kevin just finished telling his story of the stuffed snake and how he hurt his foot winning it. 

 Gage beating Mom at Ninja Turtles


  1. Love to hear some progress. Goooooooooo, Gage!

    Good luck, Sierra! Bet she could catch a ride with no problem! That cutie could stop traffic!

  2. Sounds like things are improving. Sierra will just have to wait.
